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POA Lifetime Site Supporter
Prowler Junkie
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From:Rochester Hills, MI USA
Registered: Jul 2000
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posted 10-26-2016 02:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for CJ     send a private message to CJ   Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote   Search for more posts by CJ
First update:

There has been some confusion with booking the Hyatt Hotel in Auburn Hills for the event. Please go back to the original post regarding the Hyatt as I have changed the procedure. Call the Hotel at the same number but I have included an extension number for the sales office. Ask for Nicole (sales department manager) and she will handle all the reservations. I revised the verbiage on the original post. Several of you reached a central reservation on their phone which is why they kept saying there was no availability for the Prowler Group. They are not connected to that. Thanks!!!

Second update:

Both hotels have liquor licenses that DO NOT allow alcohol in the public areas (lobby and parking lot included). Both Police Departments in Auburn Hill and in Clare have confirmed with me that drinking in the parking lot is NOT allowed. Clare Police Department told me that any time there is an event being held at the hotel is monitored by the Police Department. They walk through the area and through the parking lots. If anyone is caught drinking alcohol will be arrested.


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posted 10-28-2016 11:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for dru     send a private message to dru   Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote   Search for more posts by dru
CJ, First let me say I absolutely applaud and salute you for setting this event up. It is a huge investment of time and I respect anyone doing it.
But let me ask a question. There is a certain number of people that like to sit out in the parking lot and visit at the end of the day. And yes, they like to have a couple of beers or drinks of some type. I don't know what the percentage is, maybe 40-50%. That's the way they form friendships, build camaraderie, get to know each other. Some like to do it over coffee, some over pie, and some over a beer. And I'm not talking about getting drunk, being loud and obnoxious, breaking beer bottles or littering. I'm talking about responsibly sitting out and having a couple of drinks.
So is there a way to try to accommodate everyone? Any ideas or suggestions? Certainly I don't think going down to a local pub or sports bar and drinking and driving is an alternative. What did ya'll do at the 10 year reunion? I noticed google maps shows 5 different hotels around the Hyatt in Auburn Hills. Would they be any more permissive? Would the Hyatt really care if you are discreet? Because afterall, arrested??... for drinking a beer in the parking lot??... Seriously?? No wonder Detroit has a 58 minute 911 response time, they're too busy arresting people drinking a beer in the parking lot. LOL
Again, I'm not being critical or trying to second guess. I was just asking if there was a way to try to accommodate everyone?

POA Lifetime Site Supporter
Prowler Junkie
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From:Rochester Hills, MI USA
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posted 10-29-2016 09:18 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for CJ     send a private message to CJ   Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote   Search for more posts by CJ
dru...I have been hosting Prowler events for 17+ years and I've learned a lot!! Accommodating everyone is pretty much impossible. Bob and I are hosting this event which makes us responsible for anything that might occur. Laws are different in every state. Cities have their own policies. I have to sign contracts with the hotels and it is my responsibility to abide by their rules. Both hotels have liquor licenses which I explained in my post. I do not need or want any problems or that liability....I cannot afford to be sued by the hotels or individuals. Certainly you can understand this. You also have to understand that the hotels could be held accountable for any incidents also. They could lose their liquor licenses.

Sitting in the parking lots in the evenings to visit has always been part of the Prowler events. Yes, that is where we catch up with the people we haven't seen in a long time, meet new people and admire each others cars. We all do that. You can drink sodas, coffee, water, etc with no problem. Alcohol is not allowed. We have had problems in the past with some people who do not seem to understand that we all have to abide by this. The 10th Anniversary event is an example. A Prowler Halloween Party I hosted at our cottage is another example.


The Doherty Hotel has a bar inside the hotel. If anyone wants to drink alcohol, you can sit inside and visit. The Police Dept. is across the street from the hotel and the officer I spoke to says that they monitor the parking lots.

We have the same policy at our cottage/property where the day events will be held. We are in a very rural area. Hitting deer at night is a regular occurrence if you are not careful, whether you are drunk or not. I do not want anyone getting hurt. There will be plenty of things to drink; just not alcohol. We do not want that kind of liability.

Main Event:

As I already said, the Hyatt also has the same rules with drinking in the parking lot. You can purchase alcohol in the hotel but you have to take it back to your room. If I remember correctly, they do not allow it in the front lounge area. I will tell you that the City of Auburn Hills Police Department does NOT tolerate any of this and are very strict.

The main event on Saturday at the Walter P. Chrysler Museum will not have liquor either.

I'm sorry if this is disappointing to anyone but this is why I have tried to set the expectations for this event now. I did not want anyone to be disappointed after they arrived here, especially those who have to drive a great distance. I will, however, guarantee that lots of fun and good times will be had in spite of the alcohol issue.


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Prowler Junkie

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posted 10-29-2016 09:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for dru     send a private message to dru   Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote   Search for more posts by dru
CJ, Fair enough, thanks for the response. I just wanted to ask as it seemed a little extreme to arrest someone for drinking a beer in public...a little draconian. But I can see there's a little more to it that I missed in the past. I would not expect you or anyone to assume liability for someone else's actions. And God no, I wasn't talking about drinking at the museum, or at your cottage. It was only in regards to the hotel at the end of the day. It is something we have enjoyed doing in the past without any issues. But local jurisdictions vary, and home court rules. And I agree with you, you can't accommodate every single person. Thanks again.
Greg and Veta

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posted 10-30-2016 07:27 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Greg and Veta     send a private message to Greg and Veta   Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote   Search for more posts by Greg and Veta
I vote we make Joe's room the party room!

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Prowler Junkie

From:Avon, mn, us
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posted 10-30-2016 07:55 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for DON WIEBER     send a private message to DON WIEBER   Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote   Search for more posts by DON WIEBER
can you buy a drink at their bar and go outside with it to the parking lot?

POA Site Supporter
Prowler Junkie

Registered: Feb 2010
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posted 10-30-2016 08:50 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for dru     send a private message to dru   Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote   Search for more posts by dru
Originally posted by Greg and Veta:
I vote we make Joe's room the party room!

LOL!! I'm afraid you'd be bored to death! But I guess I'll have to find a local margarita source....Yikes, a margarita maker in Michigan???

Originally posted by DON WIEBER:
can you buy a drink at their bar and go outside with it to the parking lot?

Don, I certainly don't want to speak for CJ, but from what I understand, the answer is no. It sounds like alcohol must be consumed in your room or in the motel bar/restaurant.

And I'm sorry if I opened a Pandora's box. I don't want to distract from all the hard work and planning by CJ and Bob.


POA Lifetime Site Supporter
Prowler Junkie

From:Rochester Hills, MI, USA
Registered: Jul 2000
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posted 10-30-2016 09:46 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for RPL     send a private message to RPL   Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote   Search for more posts by RPL
The issue is our open container laws. In the city it's pretty simple. Around Dream Cruise they tell everyone that an open container will cost you a $200 fine and they do issue a bunch of tickets. Same law up north. The police are always contacted ahead of an event because of the increased traffic and their check on the cars safety overnight. In the City of Auburn Hills there is an actual permit that you have to submit along with a couple of hundred dollar event fee.

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Prowler Junkie

From:McMurray, Pa, USA
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posted 10-30-2016 10:53 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for DublinOH     send a private message to DublinOH   Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote   Search for more posts by DublinOH
I don't really see this as a problem. If you want to drink, go to the hotel bar...socialize at the cars beforehand and afterwards.

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Prowler Junkie

From:Evansville, IN, US
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posted 10-30-2016 11:02 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Simonsez     send a private message to Simonsez   Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote   Search for more posts by Simonsez
I like to drink a few occasionally. Prowler events I don't and have never had a problem abiding by the local laws. For those that have never attended...this is not a problem. Anyway, I usually count on Ed to slip me a Diet Dr. Pepper.

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Prowler Junkie

From:Avon, mn, us
Registered: Jul 2003
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posted 10-31-2016 08:36 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for DON WIEBER     send a private message to DON WIEBER   Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote   Search for more posts by DON WIEBER
if this the law then we will do as they wish. we are there for a good time with good friends. I will leave the cough med in my room.
Richard Gales

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From:Johnsburg il Usa
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posted 10-31-2016 02:54 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Richard Gales     send a private message to Richard Gales   Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote   Search for more posts by Richard Gales
There is a group not POA that will only stay at a hotel where you can consume alcohol in the parking lot and be stupid. At the 10th Anniversary there was no alcohol. We don't need alcohol to have fun at a PROWLER event. My 2 cents.

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