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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Midnight SonOK, couple of questions about the registry. I don't see a total anywhere; anybody know how many Kats we have registered?

Also, in the sort function, excuse my ignorance but what is MDH and VON?


ed monahanMDH is the Month, Day and Hour that the car started down the line.
The registry is never correct since folks sell their Prowlers and don't delete the info. Some of the cars are probably registered twice since someone sold it and told the new owner about POA. Alot of the folks registered here have never posted, even once. Some of the folks that have been kicked off have re-registered under aliases about 20 times but still get kicked off. They keep making the same mistakes.
Some folks drop out of sight for awhile, can't remember their password and register again. Therefore, it is tought to tell how many we really have. Sorry to tell you that.
VON - actually it's the VON # which is on the window sticker that is the sequence # in color...

This message has been edited by ed monahan on 08-31-2009 at 12:34 AM

Midnight SonThanks for the info, Ed (bummer about the registry entries - you're right about duplications, too - I've spotted a couple).


ALLEY CAT"Also, in the sort function, excuse my ignorance but what is MDH and VON?"

On the bottom edge of the driver's door, you'll find this info also

CJAlso keep in mind that there are owners on the website who registered with the club, but don't fill out the owners registry information.
idiveVON# is the Vehicle Order Number

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