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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:"Trump said china economy has lost "$15 to $20 trillion in value since the day I was elected
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
TomcalStable Genius strikes again......

In an interview with CNBC Monday, President Trump said that because of his get-tough trade war with China, the Asian nation’s economy has lost "$15 to $20 trillion in value since the day I was elected.”

In fact, the entire Chinese economy is worth an estimated $13 trillion.

Kind of hard to do, even for bigly tRump.

Who knew math was so hard.......


This message has been edited by Tomcal on 06-24-2019 at 09:28 PM

Originally posted by Tomcal:

Who knew math was so hard.......

That's hilarious coming from you, Mr. 239%!

Originally posted by cstall:
That's hilarious coming from you, Mr. 239%!

TomcalThe Obama Stock Market's 235% Return

Nathan Vardi, Forbes

When Barack Obama was sworn in as the 44th president of the United States on January 20, 2009, the U.S. stock market was in free fall. The financial crisis was in full swing following the collapse of Lehman Brothers and the Standard & Poor’s 500 index, a popular measure of the U.S. stock market, closed at 805 points on Inauguration Day.

Eight years later, the S&P 500 index has risen to 2,274 points after one of the great bull runs in stock market history.

With Obama as president, the U.S. stock market, as measured by the S&P 500, returned 235%, or 16.4% annualized.


^ > BHO, doing his normal routine > Nothing! His best work was playing golf and basketball with his celebrity $$ contributors.....


This message has been edited by ALLEY CAT on 06-25-2019 at 12:38 PM

Originally posted by Tomcal:
The Obama Stock Market's 235% Return

The S&P numbers in your article are correct (805 and 2274). But your result (235%) is wrong. Try again...

Tomcalcstall... your really are as dumb as a rock.

Can't read, can't comprehend and know nothing of finance or mathematics.

Denial is all you have.


Back at ya, Tom!
You've got the numbers right there and STILL can't figure it out...
Originally posted by Tomcal:
cstall... your really are as dumb as a rock.

Can't read, can't comprehend and know nothing of finance or mathematics.

MODERATOR ... I find this PERSONAL ASSAULT very uncomfortable and unwarranted. Are PERSONAL ATTACKS being condoned by this website now?

cstall should NOT be subjected to PERSONAL INSULTS nor ATTACKS.

This message has been edited by StingRay on 06-25-2019 at 03:51 PM

cstallThanx SR, but I don't subscribe to the whole 'hate speech should be censored" business.
Tom has a constitutionally protected right to talk like a dumass!
ed monahanLet's see. It was at 805, so if it doubled, it would be 1610 and that would be 100% gain. If it went up another 805, it would be 2415 and that would be a 200 % gain. And then, just to make it simple, let us round it down to 33% and that would be an additional 268, making it 2683 total, or at 233 % INCREASE. The first 805 is the base, only.
simply multiply 805 x 335 and get 2696. You have to multiply by 335 since it was a GAIN of 225 % and add in the 100 value that you started with.
And the winner is, The Rock Guy. Try paper and scissors next.
TomcalStill waiting.... for "The Usual Suspects" to post a retraction from Wall Street Journal, Standard and Poors, Dow Johns, Barons, Forbes, Fortune, Market Watch, etc, etc.

You did write to all of them to inform them their Sooo Wrong and you Trumpsters are sooo much smarter? Right?

You did present your simplistic amateur calculations and first grade math. Right?

What was their response?

You did write to Nathan Vardi at Forbes explaining how he and Forbes are sooo incorrect. Didn't you?

What did they have to say about your claims?

You did tell them that your a Trump University graduate. Right?

Still waiting.....

cstallStill waiting....

For Tom, Wall Street Journal, Standard and Poors, Dow Johns, Barons, Forbes, Fortune, Market Watch, et al
to show us, step-by-step, how they calculated 235%.

Still waiting....

ed monahanYep, I agree. You fools are losing money and my IRA is double what it was a couple of years ago. Keep giving money away to GREAT causes (free needles, etc)
TomcalStable Genius strikes again......

In an interview with CNBC Monday, President Trump said that because of his get-tough trade war with China, the Asian nation’s economy has lost "$15 to $20 trillion in value since the day I was elected.”

In fact, the entire Chinese economy is worth an estimated $13 trillion.

Kind of hard to do, even for bigly tRump.

Who knew math was so hard.......

Landscape DoctorNever buy expensive luggage,,,, stick with the disposable cheapo's!!!
ed monahan5 1/2 more years.
Originally posted by ed monahan:
5 1/2 more years.

God help the USA...

StingRayThank you Beachy .... God HAS helped the USA beginning with the 2016 election and through 2020's as well. He has saved us from evil .... something your own Priminister has failed to do for you all up there in Canada - good luck with White Obama!
ed monahanRay, you beat me to it. God Blessed the USA a couple hundred years ago and continues to bless us IN SPITE of the MILLIONS of immigrants who try to sneak into this great country every year SO THEY CAN CHANGE THIS GREAT COUNTRY. I was never a big Trump fan, but he was head and shoulders above the other candidate and that is why he won in spite of all the crap the other side pulled. He has impressed me hugely with what he has accomplished so far, in spite of the opposition.
Again, that is why all those folks are "Coming to America". Eat your heart out. Are you coming to meet us all in Texas next year, Beachie??? lol

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