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Forum:Off Topic Discussion
Topic:1934 Duesenberg Hot Rod - Jay Leno's Garage
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
BeWareI am and have been forever an Auburn /Cord / Duesenberg fan. I just discovered that this Hot Rod existed. I also love hot rods. So I don't understand why I never heard of this car before.


This message has been edited by BeWare on 04-10-2018 at 03:40 PM

DanoThere are many things I admire about Jay Leno, but probably the most admired thing is that he uses his collection. He drives them. They are not all museum pieces, and even those that are, he doesn't care...he still drives them.

I've played with hot rods since I was 16 and one thing I was never scared of was cutting, ripping, welding, or breaking. Sure, I have my share of regrets but these are the opportunities that I learned from. I always dove in head first and said screw it. Not that I didn't have a plan of attack - oh, that kept me awake many nights. But I never let that fear of failure govern what I did. I see that in Jay Leno. Now he can afford to lose a vehicle or two, but that is not the point here.

Jay Leno also brought to the forefront the idea that anyone can be an old car enthusiast. He has some really odd and plain things in his collection making this statement even more relevant. He makes it about CARS and not the price of the cars.

Thanks Jay !

Landscape DoctorWell said Dano.

Jay is from a town next to my hometown. After Jay left latenight I stopped watching. Jay is a very down to earth guy who never forgets his roots. Definitely one of a kind. Jays garage brings true joy to classic car ownership.

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