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Topic:1997 Purple Trailer 4 SALE
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Gary M. Hardy1997 purple Trailer 4 Sale. Plastic Hub-Caps. Larry Lord Trailer Stand. Brand New Cover. Freshly Painted

All Mint $5500.00 Gary # 847-452-3765

Gary M. Hardyttt
Gary M. Hardyttt
Gary M. Hardyttt
Gary M. Hardyttt
Gary M. Hardyttt
Gary M. Hardyttt
Gary M. Hardyttt
Gary M. Hardyttt
Gary M. Hardyttt
Gary M. Hardyttt
blackcatGary, here's a clue for you Buddy! You have been advertising this trailer and car here for over a YEAR! You obviously want to much money for this or you don't have a clue! Take it somewhere else you're wearing out your welcome. JMHO!

This message has been edited by blackcat on 08-02-2006 at 09:20 PM

MDProwlerHow can it be "mint" if it is freshly painted?

This message has been edited by MDProwler on 08-04-2006 at 01:10 PM

1buddycI dont know Gary Hardy from Adam, but GIVE THE GUY A BREAK. All he is trying to do is sell his Trailer. He's a POA Member, just like the rest of us and if he wants to "bump" his item back to the top, so be it. We all have the same privilege if we were trying to sell something. I know I do it often enough.... I suspect he keeps "bumping" it in hopes of someone seeing his Trailer for sale that may be new to the site or some one who knows about it and may have forgotten. Maybe even hoping someone will make him an offer off his advertised price. And if I wanted to know why it is listed as Mint since he states he's repainted it, then I would PM or Email him and ask. Now, this is JUST MY OPINION, but I still think he deserves our patience and support although I personally will be glad when he finally does sell it and we wont have to see it for sale anymore....Again, JMHO. -Buddy in Texas.
toysFrom the condition & prices i've Seen other trailers going for, i think Gary is asking a fair price for it and hope he finds the Right person that want's it no matter how long it take's.

As far as bumping it up, Myself as well everyone else does it just for the exposure and i see nothing wrong with doing it especially when there are a lot of post and item's fall to the bottom fast.

Good Luck with it Gary


Gary M. HardyThanks for a few kind words. i am an origanal member + personal friend of Mikes since we bougght our cars in 98. With Mikes Great site I was able to sell my car last month at Top Dollar. I am now trying to do the same for Trailer. i kept it in the family + had one of our members, John Koonce paint it for me for $2500.00 Sorry i'm holding out Blackie for what I think is a fair price for a rare item.Please ignor my post if you see my name. Thank You so much Mr. Mike Krehl for this great free advertisement, sincerly, Gary M. Hardy
DIXIE CatI do know Gary Hardy from "Adam" as he was one of the first people we met when we got the "YELLER CAT" in 2000. I think he has every right to post here, ask whatever in hell he wants to ask for his trailer,etc. After all, how many trailers did they produce versus total number of cats?

Good luck Gary!!

Nancy Harris

blackcatFor anybody that's bored you can always go back and review this shortened list of posts. Good luck on you sale Gary. Would someone please buy this?!?

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