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Topic:2005 Wisconsin Dells July 18th to 22nd
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Bob GoetzTalked to Geno this morning and he gives the Wintergreen the thumbs up. They are setting up in their computer today or rate discounts so we can start booking rooms tomorrow.
Here are the details:

Wintergreen Resort & Conference Center
60 Gasser Road
P.O. Box 296
Wisconsin Dells, WI 53965
1-800-648-4765 www.dellswintergreen.com

Register for the event here:

POA Rate Standard room $79.00 plus $8.69 tax.
POA Rate Family room ( 2 queen beds and a sleeper sofa ) $89.00 plus tax.
These rates are for checking in July 17th checking out July 23rd. If you have any trouble booking your room please send me a PM or call me at 952-873-6626.

1 nights stay will be charged to your card upon making your reservations, if you cancel 3 days prior to check in you will be credited 100%.

We will also have our group dinner July 21st at the hotel. I have the menu options but will wait to post till we get a little closer.

Again they only have a total of 111 rooms so please book early!!!!!!! If you cancel 3 days prior it cost's you nothing.

They will rope of an area just for our Prowlers and set up a wash area for us.

Thanks Geno for running over and checking it out.

EVENT T_SHIRT ORDERING LINK: www.prowlerstore.com/prowlerexcitement/index.html
These shirts WILL NOT be for sale at the event so if you want one order it today!

Additional Info:
Wisconsin Dell Tourism Info: www.wisdells.com
Order a Travel & Attraction guide and Video FREE call 1-800-223-3557

Tentative daily schedule:
Sunday 17th
3PM to .... Meet & Greet & registration

Monday 18th
0pen registration all day
Noon to 5 PM Poker Run
Ducks in the afternoon evening
All day group runs over to a Camp for Kids it is sponsored by Easter Seals and is for kids with physical and metal disabilities ( more details to follow )

Tuesday 19th
Route A Scenic Driving day
Route B Scenic Drive & Tour of House on the Rock

Wednesday 20th
Tenitive group photo in the AM
Scenic Cruise PM
Those that want to drag race we will depart hotel at 3 PM

Thursday 21st
Route A 250 mile River Run
Route B Scenic Cruise and stop at Circus World
7 PM Group Dinner

Friday 22nd
Senic Cruise
Drive In ?

Farewells to some

Saturday 23rd
Farewells to everyone else.

We will update this thread as we confirm the daily cruise's and events.

Rooms Booked
Robert Goetz
Thomas Gulyas
Charles Tilson
Collen Hacker
Albert Snyder
Pat Richardson
Ray Szall
Duane Hanson
Larry Bell
Joseph Brandsasse
Frank Peri
Edward Monahan
John Grubb
Gary Knepper
Rainer Mueller
Robert Wilson
Susan Clark ( 2 rooms )
William Cox
Luapy Senih
Bruce Covey
Howard Siedlecki
Jerry Wilson
Margret Mannino
Dale Beaman
Gene Fendley
Richard Ware
Kevin Thompson
CJ Longstreth
Rod Endsley
Neil Bardens
Dennis Jezwika
William Hayden
Tami Fischer
Dan Josyln
John Baskerville
Susan Mills
Gene Scoggins
Randall Arnold
Alan Payne
Guy Glauser ( Cancel )
John Cody ( Cancel )
Charles Moore
Jim Pyjas
Larry Salzman
Mike Gatlin
Gordan Karns
Al Becker
Mary Jane Beyes
William Simulcik
Gary Dupont
James Reece
David Deseife
Jerry Naumann
Kenny Jozwika
Kevin Burns
Craig Barken
George Lossmann
Phil Genet
Jon Jantz
Mark Schmitt
Richard Buehler
Warren Byrum
Jeff Nutter
Richard Jackson
Ron Bear
Leon Bardinelli
Don McCormack
Jeff Eggener
Leon Kurzwell
Marty Usher
Gary Archer
Issac Goodman
Mike Krehel
Norm Brands
Larry Bell ( TUIB )
Jessie Basilicata
Peter Goertz ( 7 Rooms )
Alan Payne

83 ROOMS booked

Some names I KNOW are not spelled right but this is how they have your room booked.

Please post info here once you have booked room! www.prowleronline.com/ubb/Forum5/HTML/000543.html

< Click on my banner to go to realrod.com >

This message has been edited by Bob Goetz on 06-23-2005 at 08:40 AM

Bob GoetzOther Dells Links:
Duck Tours

Drag Strip

House on the Rock


East Coast Kat A Van http://www.prowleronline.com/ubb/Forum5/HTML/000583.html

MN Kat A Van http://www.prowleronline.com/ubb/Forum5/HTML/000597.html

Family Event Discussion http://www.prowleronline.com/ubb/Forum5/HTML/000570.html

Drag racing Discussion http://www.prowleronline.com/ubb/Forum5/HTML/000573.html

< Click on my banner to go to realrod.com >

This message has been edited by Bob Goetz on 03-26-2005 at 12:32 PM

Bob Goetz------------------
< Click on my banner to go to realrod.com >

This message has been edited by Bob Goetz on 02-04-2005 at 09:40 AM

Bob Goetzttt
ALLEY CATBob - Updates???

I used the back door key, lol.

Bob GoetzTTT
Bob GoetzTTT
Bob GoetzTTT
Bob Goetzttt
Bob GoetzTTT
Bob GoetzTTT

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