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Topic:5th Annual Prowler/Mopar vs Vette Benefit Race Mar. 16th, 2008 in Louisiana
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Laddie RousselThe 5th Annual Vette/Mopar/Prowler Benefit Race Day is Scheduled for Sunday, Mar. 16th, 2008 at No Problem Raceway in Belle Rose, LA.

The format will be the same as last year and each participating club contribute $100. I’m sponsoring the POA & any other Prowler group that wants to play. We'll run on the 1.8 mile Road course in the morning and move over to the Drag Strip around noon. Event Fee same as last year - $15 car & driver; $10 for Spectators and kids 10 & under are Free.

Tentative Schedule - Sunday, Mar. 16th, 2008:
8:00 AM - Track Opens
8:30 AM - Road Course Laps Begin
11:30 AM - Road Course Laps End
NOON: - Drag Strip Time Trials Begin
2:30 PM - 1st Round Bracket Classes Begin

There will be Three Classes for Drag Racing (Race Car, Street Car, & Vette/Mopar Only). Trophies for 1st & Runnerup in both the Race Car & Street Car classes. Trophies for 1st, runnerup, Semifinalists & Quarterfinalists in the Vette vs Mopar/Prowler Class. The Race Car Class will be limited to Two Time Trial runs. The Vette/Mopar Class will get unlimited time trial runs until the start of 1st round of Bracket Races. All Car Club members should enter the Vette/Mopar Class. The Race Car Class will be limited to 40 cars (same as last year). We've had this class for each of the 1st four years and is open to people who want to help support the Event's Beneficiary and hopefully brings out more spectators. It has never been a problem in restricting track time for club members.

Each year the Beneficiary is selected in consultation with NPR Management. This year's Beneficiary is Sharee Lanoux (she's the EMT that staffed the ambulance for our event last year). Sharee has lung cancer and mid November discovered she has four Tumors on her brain. The prognosis is not very good. Sharee works as an EMT at the track often and was there for our Grand Bayou Race on Sunday. In addition she works as a Special Ed. Aide at St. Amant High School. She is a real outgoing person and plans to fight this against all odds.

Last year we had a Large group of Prowlers & owners. If your schedules permit, we love to see you again in 2008. I’ll setup a block of rooms at the Best Western in Donaldsonville in January. Mark your calendars… Thanks for the consideration and here’s link to No Problem Raceway.

Hotel information.

I’ve arranged for a Block of 10 rooms for Mar. 15th & 16th at the Best Western Plantation Inn in Donaldsonville, LA. 70346. Address: 2179 Hwy 70 Ph: 225-746-9050. The hotel is about 12 miles from the track.

The Room rate is $80. And you must call the Best Western in Donaldsonville direct and ask for the PROWLER Group rate.
Here’s link for hotel. http://book.bestwestern.com/bestwestern/selectHotel.do

These rooms will be on hold until Mar. 8th. These are all Non-Smoking rooms and you can change when you make your reservation. The hotel will also honor this rate for any rooms you need outside these two dates. So, dial 225-746-9050 to make your RESERVATIONS.

Here’s link to Discussion Event area: http://www.prowleronline.com/ubb/Forum5/HTML/001197.html#0

This message has been edited by Laddie Roussel on 01-18-2008 at 06:39 PM

Marty UsherLaddie - I don't have a Prowler anymore but if I'm not working out of town at that time, I'd love to be thre to watch. You always put on a great event.
ed monahanI have made it to at least three of them and it is a lot of fun (especially if you are driving a motorcycle and don't have the required leather equipment with you, lol).
I highly recommend attending the event.
TFischerLaddie: Already on my calendar. I will be making reservations at the hotel after the 1st. Thanks for putting this on again. Great cause and great event!! Marty - I'll let you take mine down the track. Tami
BeWareI am planning to make this event again next year. I need to practice on my reaction time so I can give Tami some competition. She kicked my butt with her off the line reaction time this past March. Also I am going to have my computer flashed this year and clean my air filter as well.

Tami, hopefully this time we won't red light in the first elimination round. I still say they changed the tree sequence for the elimination's. At least a lot of "professional racers" also red lighted last time. So I did not feel as bad.

Oh yes, and I am going on a diet and lose 25 pounds.

I need every advantage I can get to beat Tami.

This message has been edited by BeWare on 12-06-2007 at 10:04 AM

Gary CI hope to make it again. It was a great time last year.

Here are some pics from last year...
http://www.prowleronline.com/scrapbook/neweventview.php?id=611 <<<<< click there

TFischerLOL - Rich you crack me up!! You did great off of the line - you were ahead of me several times. Ok - so now everyone knows my secret on getting a few more hp out of the car Likewise, I will be making a trip in to see Neal to get the car ready to go. And yes - I agree Rich, I think the timing changed just a tad on the sequencing. Alot of us redlighted including the pros on that first round of eliminations. See ya there - I can't wait!!! T

This message has been edited by TFischer on 12-06-2007 at 11:23 AM

TFischerGreat to see the pics again from last year - what a great time. T
Laddie RousselHotel information.

I’ve arranged for a Block of 10 rooms for Mar. 15th & 16th at the Best Western Plantation Inn in Donaldsonville, LA. 70346. Address: 2179 Hwy 70 Ph: 225-746-9050. The hotel is about 12 miles from the track.

The Room rate is $80. And you must call the Best Western in Donaldsonville direct and ask for the PROWLER Group rate.
Here’s link for hotel. http://book.bestwestern.com/bestwestern/selectHotel.do

These rooms will be on hold until Mar. 8th. These are all Non-Smoking rooms and you can change when you make your reservation. The hotel will also honor this rate for any rooms you need outside these two dates. So, dial 225-746-9050 to make your RESERVATIONS.

Here’s link to Discussion Event area: http://www.prowleronline.com/ubb/Forum5/HTML/001197.html#0

Laddie RousselI'll stop by hotel on way to track tomorrow and check on bookings.. I have to release unbooked rooms on Saturday Mar. 8th to avoid charges to my cc.

You still have time to book rooms and individuals can cancel up to the day of reservation.

here's link to No Problem Raceway and if you go to bottom of page you can click on Mar. 16th race and get copy of flyer...

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