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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:A personal message to Jim Carey
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
BeWareI will not waste another red cent attending any of your movies or buying DVD's of your movies. While you have the right to express your opinion I also have to right to object to it by boycotting your movies.



Nukes16What the hell, I'll bite.... Are you saying that buying assault rifles is a good thing then or are you merely upset with Carey's obnoxious statement?
BeWareIt was not what he said, but the insulting, obnoxious manner he used. Not to mention his insults about Charlton Heston who is no longer around to defend himself. Why didn't the weasel insult someone how is living that is pro guns? I'll tell you why he is a coward. Like I said he has a right to his opinion but when he becomes and obnoxious jerk about it, I exercise my right to boycott his films.

This message has been edited by BeWare on 03-29-2013 at 10:27 AM

beachcatSo you are only upset about his obnoxious approach to an issue but not his position on it? How is that a political topic then? Just wondering.

Michael PondHe's entitled to his positions, and opinions, just as I'm entitled to mine. So much for Jim Carey !! I don't rely on Jim Carey for my income..
Originally posted by beachcat:
So you are only upset about his obnoxious approach to an issue but not his position on it? How is that a political topic then? Just wondering.

Safer to post it here than in off topic only to then have it become a political issue as other posts have in the past.

ed monahanFor a guy who doesn't read or post in the political forum he sure does have a lot of opinions about how NORMAL people think. Then he needs to explain to you HOW YOU think.
Originally posted by ed monahan:
For a guy who doesn't read or post in the political forum he sure does have a lot of opinions about how NORMAL people think. Then he needs to explain to you HOW YOU think.

For a guy who posts mindless dribble in most forums, you sure shoot off your mouth a lot.

ed monahanIt's drivel, not dribble. OMG I caught you AGAIN. lol
beachcatWhen you get to be old like you, it's more like dribble. Or drool maybe. Whatever it is, it's disgusting. But go ahead with your OMG stuff. People in your situation are usually, easily amused. Go nuts.
Nukes16Now that the ball is rolling ... or dribbling, I have to say that I agree with Carey's anti-assault rifle point of view but I disagree with his delivery. He could have been much better spoken which in turn, would have made a stronger argument. And not made himself out as such an ass.
ed monahanBeachNUTS, you are not offending me in any way about the age thing. I am proud to be almost 69. There are quite a few folks older than me, here on POA. They could possibly be offended but I can't speak for them. I know you are not concerned about making friends, I am just pointing out the obvious.
I will say you LOOK older than me but then again, you may be older than me, I don't know.
Nukes16On a side note Ed, I got my center caps back from Rich and they are awesome, thanks for his info.
beachcatFor someone who's not offended, you are certainly getting defensive. Must be an age thing. Say one idiotic thing after another. Oh well, keep typing while you still can. Maybe your typing will catch up to your brain and you will go away somewhere.
Michael Pond
Originally posted by Nukes16:
Now that the ball is rolling ... or dribbling, I have to say that I agree with Carey's anti-assault rifle point of view but I disagree with his delivery. He could have been much better spoken which in turn, would have made a stronger argument. And not made himself out as such an ass.

What's the difference between an assault rifle amd what we can legally buy here?? They make "LOOK" the same, but there is a big difference!!

dskattDecades from now how many people will know Ben Hur vrs Ace Ventura?

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