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Forum:Prowler Performance/Appearance Discussion
Topic:Aluminium Frame Covers
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Key ManI bought one set on EBay
Who is selling them?
I am looking for another set.


JRLI think you mean the ones that are made by KatAddict
Key ManKATADDICT where are you?
Blue TieAl.
Try KatAddict at ndkline@comcast.net.

Let me know if these are the same ones you showed us at the last meeting. If so I may be interested in a set depending on the price. I have ordered from Darcy in the past and he is very good with his service. Even though we had a small problem with the custom documents Darcy was very helpful in correcting the problem.

Wayne Finch...maybe Darcy can bring a few sets to Niagara...I'd be interested in a couple sets
KatAddictIf anyone wants these I will make some a bring to Niagara. I would like to have an idea of how many though. Thanks
Wayne FinchThanks Darcy, two for me and I know we need one for Al's post above (Momo) - so that's 3

This message has been edited by Wayne Finch on 05-22-2003 at 02:24 PM

KatAddictI also have about 4 suspension braces I will bring if anyone wants one I will sell them for $ 20.00 each
idiveummmm..... are these like car covers, only for when you park upside down? I never heard of them. What are they?
KatAddictThey are Polished Aluminum and cover the frame, just in front of the rear tire.

This message has been edited by KatAddict on 05-22-2003 at 08:06 PM

ken736ccHi Kat Addict,
Can I get a set of frame covers and pay with paypal?
idiveThanks KatAddict. I like those. Have seen some that were polished up, but haven't seen the covers. How do they go on and whats the cost for a pair?
c.mangengKataddict, pix of frame braces? Solid/hollow? cost of frame covers? thanx craig
Northern CatDarcy...I like a set please...bring them to the Falls..



KatAddictThe Covers are $ 25.00 shipped. The covers are installed with 3M tape. Mine have been on for over a year with no problems.

I have 3 Braces that used to sell for $ 25.00 but these 3 are $ 20.00, this is the last 3 I have. They are 3/4" Solid Aluminum.

This message has been edited by KatAddict on 05-23-2003 at 06:12 AM

c.mangengI need two sets of frame covers and two suspension braces. How do I pay for them and where to send payment. Thanks, Craig
KatAddictCraig, you have mail.

Craig has claimed 2 of the 3 braces !

Originally posted by c.mangeng:
I need two sets of frame covers and two suspension braces. How do I pay for them and where to send payment. Thanks, Craig

This message has been edited by KatAddict on 05-23-2003 at 11:18 AM

c.mangengDarcy, the checks in the mail. Thanks
akadvs1KatAddict, I am also interested in a set of the frame covers. Can you post the actual pic size of what they look like so that we can have an idea. Second, when will they be available and how can I get the $$$ to you? You can send me an IM if you wish or post for all.


KatAddictAs far as the size, they travel from the corner of the frame toward the front of the car is 9".

This message has been edited by KatAddict on 05-24-2003 at 04:49 PM

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