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Topic:And the going rate is .....................
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
KrautProwlers sold on E-Bay in the month of January ranged from $25,700 to $35,991, with 35 other auctions closing without selling.

Looks like an average of around $30K for those that sold. Like it or not, that's what they're worth.

GeneIt might well be the worth of the car BUT now is not the time to sell anything anywhere.I go to auctions 1-2 times per week and find cars just not selling for what they were bring one year ago.You are correct in saying the true worth is what cars are selling for today but will change I hope.Everone knows what the housing market is now.We as a country are in sad shape.
condoryap´, now is the time to buy, specially for low mile prowlers. We bought 3 Prowlers ( 2001)in the past 5 weeks.

$ 30000 are €uro 20000, that meens to me like ...getting each Prowler $ 15000 cheaper than a a wile ago.

galaxieI knew it. The orange is not only the fastest, but sold for the most money. I didn't pay that for mine in 2005 with 10,000 less miles. Orange ones are going up!!!
adacusHey Kraut,

I am the manager of the Ailing Kat List under retired kats.

I just wanted to say, THANK you for your management of current Ebay sells.

It takes alot of time to complete such list and keep them organized.

BIG O'LE TEXAS THANKS for your reseach and time.

Now here is my question :

Man, Talk about letting your car go for nothing.

Any comments on that sell are greatly welcomed and deeply appriciated. I almost cried when I saw that sell close.

KrautActually, it takes very little time. Found it all right here:
http://motors.completed.shop.ebay.com/Cars-Trucks___W0QQMake247a0eZChrysler76de4c52Q3bchryslerQ7cPlymouth9c2da50aQ3bplymouthQQModel4710b09ZProwler50cee64fQ3bprowlerQQLHQ5fCompleteZ 1QQ_catZ6000
GOATFALLSIt sure make me feel sad when I think about what I paid for mine last july!!!
ProwlerBobWpgWow,$25,000 is light. You want a chuckle, go to autotrader.ca and see what they are going for in Canada.
http://www.canadatrader.com/result/result.aspx?searchtype=adv&kw=&dp=&age=&kfr=1&kto=2000000&category=4000&mk=PLYMOUTH&md=PROWLER&yfr=1900&yto=2008&pfr=0&pto=9999999&postal=&distan ce=&city=&pro=NULL®ion=&type=province&dm=0&mph=false&rentalOnly=false&pricedOnly=false#

Then again, these are asking prices, not "sell" prices.

attyedhallinteresting info. thanks..
Why feel bad about what you paid for your Prowler? At least your enjoying it and deriving pleasure from it. I put $10K into my 401 last year and guess what, lost $10K last year. So far this year I have put $1,100.00 into my 401K and have lost $12K. Sometimes I think I would feel better just going to Vegas and blowing the entire amount! Prices could be lower this year due to other owners needing the cash and taking what ever they can get. It seems that right now everything is a 'buyers market' in this country. I paid $32K four years ago for my 99 on E-Bay and have ZERO regrets.
ed monahanIn another two months all those Prowlers will sell. This is a very bad time of year in a poor economic time. Come Spring, the cars will be looking very inviting.
jmichaelMy 99 Red is still sitting pretty in the showroom at my small dealership. It is still the greatest closing tool I have ever had. Every customer, young and old, is drawn to it like a magnet. They really get excited (as you owners know) and it affects their mindset towards their purchase on their lower priced car or truck. I wish there was some sort of scale to measure car enthusiasm. I noticed this from the very first closed deal after I put this "star" in the showroom nearly 9 years ago, and the same feeling continues in customer after customer. Old Red still makes me money and I enjoy every minute of it.
Prowl 36Thanks for posting the list, however I agree with the others as to being the worst time of year to sell a sport roadster car like the Prowler. Convertibles do not take top dollar in freezing temperatures. Also just because the auctions have closed doesn't mean that is what they sold for. I have closed several E-Bay Auctions early at SMALLER PRICE than what we had agreed on over E-Mail and phone as long as a deposit was posted to ensure them the car.

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