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Topic:Back to the front shocks
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
GortI posted earlier about adjusting the front shocks. I think the general answer was that they were not adjustable unless they were taken off and then somehow adjusted and reinstalled.

I saw this quote under Prowler information.

2001 Plymouth Prowler: Adjustable shock absorbers and new colors are the only changes for this limited production model. Production ceased at the end of the year.

Are we still talking about removing the shocks and adjusting or can the 2001 being something new and they can be adjusted on the car?

It looks like the koni shocks have a slot in the top of the shock, and a spanner wrench to be used to adjust.

This message has been edited by Gort on 05-10-2013 at 05:54 PM

Larry LordIt would be best to call them directly for any technical questions you have regarding the products they sell.

I NEVER refer anybody to this vendor for the following reasons.

This message has been edited by Larry Lord on 05-10-2013 at 06:36 PM

Originally posted by Larry Lord:
It would be best to call them directly for any technical questions you have regarding the products they sell.

I NEVER refer anybody to this vendor for the following reasons.

I was refering to the information page. I'm talking about the orginal stock shocks on a Prowler.

George JohnsonMy 2001 did not have Koni Shocks. They were the Dynamics (POS). I replaced them with Konis.
Originally posted by George Johnson:
My 2001 did not have Koni Shocks. They were the Dynamics (POS). I replaced them with Konis.

That's interesting. Mine say Koni on the top.

This message has been edited by Gort on 05-10-2013 at 08:49 PM

garysssGort yours have been replaced, all 2001 came with Dynamics and they leaked. Many have replaced them with Koni's. I have never heard of anyone being able to adjust the koni's.
Originally posted by garysss:
Gort yours have been replaced, all 2001 came with Dynamics and they leaked. Many have replaced them with Koni's. I have never heard of anyone being able to adjust the koni's.

Well I guess mine is no longer orginal..smiles

George Johnson
Originally posted by Gort:
Well I guess mine is no longer orginal..smiles

It looks like the OEM Battery was replaced as well.

Originally posted by George Johnson:
It looks like the OEM Battery was replaced as well.

Yes ,that's brand new.I guess I have a modified car now..

JeraneWlucky for you with the shocks. My originals were "leaks" also and were replaced under warranty a few years back with Konis. Dealer installed and I never tried to adjust them.
catfishwhats with all the rust in the photos,


Originally posted by catfish:
whats with all the rust in the photos,

He lives where it actually rains

Originally posted by catfish:
whats with all the rust in the photos,

This car came from S. California. I think someone drove it on the beach.

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