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Topic:Ball joints.
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Dave HaggasNow I know the ball joint issue has been flogged to death.
But I have a question.
I took the car for a short drive last night. Suddenly when turning left, it was very quick and responsive but when turning right it felt slow and lazy.
Fortunately I made it home. I took a flashlight and checked left hand side suspension. When driving it felt like a loose rack mount?
Left hand all looked fine.
But right hand side not so. The lower ball joint nyloc nut had worked loose.It was out of the nylon and the a arm was dropped down. The nut was loose and only held on by a few threads. The taper was out of the knuckle.
I surmised that other than the car being tampered with, the next logical thing was the ball joint must be seized.
So forward to today.
I removed both A arms from the car.Both the LH and RH boots were perfect, looked like new. The left side when I took the boot off was greased and worked great.
The offending right side, well, when the boot was removed, it was half full of a black dust and was seized. No rust, just dust.
I fitted the rare parts ball joints today, so all is now good.
It could have so easily been a huge disaster.
So on to my question.
Has anyone here had the issue whereby the joint has seized which effectively means the knuckle then starts to undo the nut?
Clearly this is what has happened to me.
I did the recall in 2008 with Mopar joints with the x on them so assumed all to be good as did it myself. 20,000 miles and 12 years later, disaster was literally seconds away.
I did go to a local Chrysler dealer to enquire about the recall in 2007/8 but was put off when they said “What is a Prowler”!
So DIY it was!
I’m only asking as I have not heard of this before......
StingRayHi Dave, so this occurred on a set of replaced under warranty and assumed to be "corrected" ball joints? Interesting.

Glad that disaster did NOT strike and all was and is well for you!

tbonelynchThe recall LBJ's did not have a grease fitting. Bad design. The upper BJ does. The RareParts LBJ's have the grease fitting. Although it may be hard to get to, pulling the wheel is not a bad idea, you can inspect more things while you grease the upper and lower BJ's and clean the brake dust on the backside of the wheel. So glad you caught this before it did more damage.
Dave HaggasThanks for the replies.
Stingray, I did go to my local dealer, after I bought the car to enquire about them doing the recall work. They didn’t even know what a Prowler was, which didn’t fill me with hope.
I did ask them, regarding the ball joints, as it was a warranty item, could they just give me the joints? They said that they would not as they would have to do the job to sign it off to say the recall had been carried out satisfactorily.
I felt, and still feel that they would not have put the care and attention that I would have.
So I elected to do the job myself. Being in the U.K. I could not get hold of the joints, so simply had a friend buy a pair for me. They were the recall joints with the X on them.
I then did the work.
So I assume my chassis number will say the recall is still outstanding?
Teebone, I could not agree more.
It was a very lucky escape.

This message has been edited by Dave Haggas on 05-09-2020 at 06:04 PM

stprinzHello Dave, so good to hear you made it safe back home.
hope to see you finally in person on next year European Metting.

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