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Forum:General Prowler Discussion
Topic:Best Prowler Car Cover
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
fontenolHello everyone, I am a new Kat owner,and been having my baby for 2 weeks and loving it!!!! I really enjoy all the post from the fellow owners so keep it up guys and gals!! I was wanting some help. I was wanting to see what you guys thought would be the best cover for my prowler. I appreciate any suggestions.
GenoTexTry these.....
FL PhilThanks GenoTex your posting is faster than mine.

The Car Covers are made by Cover Craft the same company that provided the covers to MOPAR except we can offer the covers with the Prowler embroidery to match your car.

In 2005 & 2006 Prowler Store has sold and shipped 70 Car and 20 Trailer Covers at a price less than what MOPAR charged.

Tennessee CatHi Fontenol.
I also am a new Prowler owner and one of the first things I did was order one the car covers from the prowler store. I love it. It was everything I expected.
fontenol Tennesse Cat, isn't it a fantastic experience owning one of these beauties!!! I appreciate all of the great advice and I will take it.
Tennessee CatAbsolutely Fontenol,
Over the years I have owned several Hot Rods, Sports Cars and Custom Motorcycles. I have never had as much consistent satisfaction from owning a car before. It seems like almost everyone can appreciate it. I don't have to worry about whether it will make it home after every run and it is comfortable while being something that you really have to drive.
But it is this group of Prowler owners that make the most difference. Ask any question and you will get enough answers to solve any problem. And then you get to read about fellow owners experiences every day. It is truly a fun experience.

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