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Forum:Group Product Purchases
Topic:Bubble tops
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
xpguyThis is waaay out there, but I figured I should give it a try. I spoke with Ray Poquette at Thermotech about building a bubble top for the Prowler. He would like to do the project, but his costs are very prohibitive in my opinion. He wants $8,000 for the mold, then $7,000 a copy for the top. I figured I would throw this out there, but doubt I will get any response. Ten buyers would have to pay $7,800 each for a bubble top? I could buy the only one for $15K but do not feel like going to divorce court. Any other ideas?

BuckNekkidIt's a cool idea but that's a whole bunch of money for any kind of hard top. Unless you're willing to throw in Kate Beckinsale. Then I'll take two.

butchcee http://www2.warnerbros.com/warnervideo/classiccartoons/jetsons.html

This message has been edited by butchcee on 09-17-2004 at 02:10 PM

Originally posted by butchcee:

-thank you AL, my thoughts exactly!!!

Tytanium-KThis makes the $2,960 for Norbs sound like a steal!

Tytanium-K, Man of Metal -- '99 RED, Mostly Stock!

xpguyThanks to Dan we can see what this will look like.

Bob MillerWho the heck is this Kate girl? She's VERY attractive! See, I'm not blind!

Now what were we talking about? Oh yeah, the bubble top. I don't like it.

Humm Kate huh? Wow!

wallygator310Looking at the rendering, I'm sure that it would somewhat different when made. I say that because the windows are not anywhere near the lines of the real windows. I could probably get used to the sight of it if the acrylic is a much darker version sort of like the factory tinted windows on most new cars. I think that would look great on my black Kat even not painted!


ed monahanI doubt if these will get produced and I already have a hardtop, BUT to play devil's advocate:
How hot would it get inside the car with an acrylic top? Somewhat like a greenhouse? Even painted to block out some of the sunlight, with out any insulation or a headliner I would think it would get awfully hot. How about noise without a headliner?
Is this even practical?
I am asking questions to seek input. I do not know if what I think is correct.
Originally posted by ed monahan:
I do not know if what I think is correct.

Ask Sandy, Ed. Women will ALWAYS tell us if what we think is correct--OR NOT!!!

Tytanium-K, Man of Metal -- '99 RED, No Longer COMPLETELY Stock!

Georgia ProwlerIt looks ridiculous...I hope I'm not hurting anyone's feelings!

Georgia Prowler
Dave & Joan Smith

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