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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:Bush warned Congress
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Randy CobbThis video was not allowed in the US...
It shows Bush tried to warn Congress in '02, but they refused to listen.
Liberal media had Time Warner threatened a law suit (propreitary rights) if it was not taken off.
This is same video, but routed through Canada.
CJIsn't that interesting........don't you just love how the Media decides what the public should see, hear and vote for......
ETMIDZTGood "OL" Barney! Or is it Elmer Fudd??
PROWLEUBush warned us, McCain warned us, but the democRAT congress failed to do anything - and here we are.
ed monahanWe are currently in Hungary and yesterday the local guide was telling a story while we were in Slovakia saying that Pres. Bush screwed up and mentioned Slovania while referring to Slovakia. Some of the folks howled. A little later he was telling about the old days when the communist were tryng to block the signals coming out of Austria while trying to broadcast their own signals.
I mentioned it was similar in the U S where we only get to hear one side of most stories. A couple of folks on the trip got upset and mentioned that Rush L was controlling the airwaves. I said he didn't represent my views but I thought it was kind of ironic that they were still bashing Dubya while things spiral out of control.
BeWareSchumer and Frank should be tarred feathered and run out of DC on a Rail.
Originally posted by CJ:
Isn't that interesting........don't you just love how the Media decides what the public should see, hear and vote for......

Even the liberals among us should be alarmed and afraid....(don't drink the kool-aid friends)

This message has been edited by bjprowler on 03-17-2009 at 05:58 PM

reecheeLet us note that the Repuglicans were in control of Congress during the periods they talk about. Of course, since it's faux news they make it look as if the Dems had all the power which they had none.
CJMy statement above was not Republican or Democrat driven. It was Media driven. My son has been in the military for 17 years (and counting). He has spent most of that career in the Middle East. He says that the Media doesn't want you to hear about the good things that have been accomplished by our presence there.......only the bad things....and he said that it is not only a travesty to the American military service people, but to the American public.
Originally posted by reechee:
Of course, since it's faux news they make it look as if the Dems had all the power which they had none.

'O brother,,,,,,,,,who was in control of Congress from January, 2007 through October, 2008 (21 months),,,,when the volcano erupted? Another liberal tactic, side step the facts and deflect the blame the other way. Be accountable,,,,,and admit that Schumer and Frank are the morons who promoted excessive Freddy Mac and Freddy Mae loans to the undeserving....


Ed > the Bush Hate Fest will never end,,,,,,,,,its their way to pass the buck, and avoid the facts!

Originally posted by reechee:
Let us note that the Repuglicans were in control of Congress during the periods they talk about. Of course, since it's faux news they make it look as if the Dems had all the power which they had none.

Yes and any Republican that did and voted the same as Schumer and Franks should get the same treatment as I laid out above. But I guess since they were not in power. The fact that they were spouting total BS and lies has no bearing, and therefore we should not condemn them and they also should have no accountability.

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