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Topic:Car Show Question
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
insuranceguyI'm a few months into being a newbie now, and have done some extra stuff to my Prowler. I'm going to enter my prowler in car shows, mainly to promote my business. Though what catagory to you put your prowler into........input appreciated
MeanGenePut it under "Winner" ...that seems to work for me ...ugh sometimes!
beachcatMost shows don't have a slot for it. Some won't even let you in. Be prepared for prowler haters
catfishthe car show commitee will decide what class youre in not you.


druMaybe George Johnson will chime in. He is the local expert. He has more trophies than Roger Clemens (and he did it without the 'roids). I have entered about 5 or 6 shows, almost always in a different category. You have to see what categories they offer. I have been in New Generation (1980 and newer), convertible, Mopar, etc. Most often I've found its up to the attendee to determine the category. Just my experience.
ItpurrsI take mine to about 5-6 car shows a summer and I,ve never won anything. People will love your car but always pick the older cars for some reason.i guess we will have to wait a few years to win.
RichiekatReally depends on the show. Mopar shows often class it as modern era rear wheel or rear wheel in with all years, or simply by year. Other shows will placed in special interest, or simply "other". This is similar to Viper classing in open shows...where do we put them. And yes there are some Prowler haters but there is never a shortage of ignorance!
golfboyI used to take my Kat to car shows and enter it but the categories vary so much and the Prowler does not fit into the available ones very easily. It always gets a lot of attention and people are asking questions about it constantly. Now when I take it to a car show , I don't enter it, just display it so people can see it. That way I save the entry fee and besides, those plastic trophies that are awarded are just dust catchers anyway. All the various trophies I have gotten in the past whether from car racing, bowling, car shows or whatever always ended up in the trash eventually. LOL.
Originally posted by dru:
Maybe George Johnson will chime in. He is the local expert. He has more trophies than Roger Clemens (and he did it without the 'roids). I have entered about 5 or 6 shows, almost always in a different category. You have to see what categories they offer. I have been in New Generation (1980 and newer), convertible, Mopar, etc. Most often I've found its up to the attendee to determine the category. Just my experience.

I agree with dru. George is the guy to talk to about shows. I did, and learned a lot. And, just google "how to prepare your car for a show", and it will pay off.
The Class you are assigned to (in large shows) is up to the show staff. Last year I entered a Viper and Prowler. They were assigned the same class. Go figure. I think the guy thought the Prowler was not a convertible because the aftermarket top fit so good? The class I was in had mostly Corvettes. I got 2nd place Viper and 3rd place Prowler. The AutoRama folks make it clear that the show is about the cars, and don't want the entries used as a company advertising gimmick, so your plans may not fly.
This was on my Bucket List. Crossed off. PM me if you want to get some pointers on how to prepare.

This message has been edited by BillyC on 07-10-2014 at 08:39 AM

MeanGeneAll joking aside...if you HAPPEN to win a trophy, AND no longer need/want it...give it to a local boy/girl scout group or a local boy/girls club to re-purpose the trophies.

They remove the name plates and the main stem post (i.e. the car or car related emblem) and replace with a basketball/baseball/award -or- take the base to a trophy shop for the replacements - less costs.

All of mine have meet this fate.

This message has been edited by MeanGene on 07-10-2014 at 08:51 AM

catfishwho cares about trophys,ill take the money.you cant eat a trophy.


Michael PondI've entered my prowler at car shows, but it has never been about trophies or money. Meeting friends and people and talking to them about the history of the car. It's sometimes hard for them to believe that the prowler was a factory built hot rod and the inovation behind it. One year I entered my jet truck(dodge dakota) and the prowler was the tow vehicle. Now that was a winning combination.
Originally posted by Michael Pond:
I've entered my prowler at car shows, but it has never been about trophies or money.


I did win the Woman's Choice award once though.

for the car I mean...

ed monahanI go to cruise-ins. You can leave when you get bored, no entry fee and not wasting an entire day. Most judges around here are the Corvette club guys. A Prowler does have much of a chance, although I have won a few trophies over the years.
xtreme prowlerThe only trophies that mean anything to me are the ones I won playing hockey as a kid... I go to a couple every year, but none so far this year.... Last big one I went to they put my car in the same class as a new stock Vette a couple years before that with a GT40 that was also stock... my car has over 100 one off mods so I couldn't figure out how I got grouped with these cars... If I go back to this show I will insist on nt to be judged or classed...

This message has been edited by xtreme prowler on 07-14-2014 at 10:05 AM

EssexExportThe true class is Exotic. If not available I go with Special Interest which always shows up way more than the first class I mentioned. After that you're on your own.

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