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Topic:Cheapest Prowler, Hoovies Garage
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
padroo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6Q3wlVwlWs

Remove the "S" from https and the link will be active.

Good video, thanks.

This message has been edited by padroo on 06-03-2020 at 06:05 PM

koolktyI already got Yuri Tereshyn to do a Zoom call with me, now if I could just get Tyler on a call too!
koolktyI think this Prowler has an aftermarket exhaust, possibly Borla, based on the sound and the non-stock tailpipes. I'll best most viewers will assume the stock Prowler has this exhaust.
DanoLoved the video, thanks. After watching that I think I want a Borla exhaust, unfortunately I did not see any for sale when I searched.
Landscape DoctorGreat video,,,,

Too funny,,, he actually can't believe he likes it...

koolkty https://youtu.be/R8q771wPFz0

Hoovie takes his Prowler to the Car Wizard. Needs a new window regulator and vertical stabilizers. Wizard said he had to go to a "Prowler specialty site" for the parts, makes me wonder which site that is...

Dave HaggasI noticed the exhaust too Pat. It had the cat logos on the tailpipes. I’ve just fitted that system on my car.
What system is it? Is it Borla or Mopar?
I purchased second hand in 2012 on this site and yes took all this time to be persuaded by a very dear friend, also a Prowler loon, to fit it to my car.
Very glad I did.
My car had a different set up, non stock quite loud system. This new set up is quieter, more refined.
But is it Borla or Mopar as no markings are on it?
Dave Haggas
Originally posted by Dano:
Loved the video, thanks. After watching that I think I want a Borla exhaust, unfortunately I did not see any for sale when I searched.

I have never used the Prowler store, so cannot comment on anything, but that exhaust system is on their website.
I’m staying out of any further comment....
Dave HaggasThat car on Hoovies also has a different air intake system too and noticed the muffler has Mopar stamped on it. Answered my own question....

This message has been edited by Dave Haggas on 06-06-2020 at 02:51 PM

1stMadManProwler loon 😲
ALLEY CATThe video of the purple '99 that went into the shop...

has the Mopar Borla set-up installed. Same as I installed on my silver > cost was $585 back in the early days through Mopar Parts department, and I installed it myself with this system pictured below (using a a big rock on one tire for safety concerns)

Awesome sounding IMO


I hope the WIZARD tech found the Jefferson Auto updated window regulator system and the Spoons stabilizer links instead of the 'parts quote figures' he had gathered when estimating the repair on those two areas?

This message has been edited by ALLEY CAT on 06-06-2020 at 04:47 PM

Dave Haggas
Originally posted by ALLEY CAT:
The video of the purple '99 that went into the shop...

has the Mopar Borla set-up installed. Same as I installed on my silver > cost was $585 back in the early days through Mopar Parts department, and I installed it myself with this system pictured below (using a a big rock on one tire for safety concerns)

Awesome sounding IMO


I hope the WIZARD tech found the Jefferson Auto updated window regulator system and the Spoons stabilizer links instead of the 'parts quote figures' he had gathered when estimating the repair on those two areas?

Very unusual for you A/C to be so safety conscious? Two pieces of timber?
No expense spared.

Dave Haggas
Originally posted by 1stMadMan:
Prowler loon 😲

And yes, I stand by what I say, 1st MM. you know it’s true!

ed monahan
Originally posted by Dave Haggas:
Very unusual for you A/C to be so safety conscious? Two pieces of timber?
No expense spared.

They fell off the turnip truck, so did he, by the way. lol

ed monahanI have nothing but the HIGHEST praise for 1stMadMan. He took great care of us at the European Prowler event a couple of years ago. Ditto for his g.f. Marta. Two class acts. Everyone took good care of us, but those two went way out of their way to take care of us.
ALLEY CATAny of you UK guys know what happened to a red Prowler owner with scene name NullMind? Lived in London as I recall,,,posted a lot for four years and then disappeared in Jan of 2019
1stMadManNullMind is still around his prowler is in London. We are hoping to have a get together later in the summer.
Ed that was a great weekend in Switzerland. This year‘s German event was canceled but I would imagine same time same place next year, see you there 👍
ALLEY CATThanks MadMan! Next time you run into him, tell him to return to the website......miss his posts!

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