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Forum:Off Topic Discussion
Topic:Chinese Press Video
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
quincy http://img.youtube.com/vi/W_YnaHNcISw/2.jpg

If I copied the above link correctly, it will take you to 'youtube' and a video showing the operation of a heavy sheet metal press 'typical' of Industrial China. No, this is not a joke, or a 'urban legend'. What this is is wonton disregard for human life and safety. This type of 'manufacturing' would never be allowed in the USA. Think about this video the next time you make a purchase of a non US product. It is my firm belief that these third world countries will not have their 'standard of living' elevated over time, but ours in the US will be decreased. I pray not to this sick level!

Tennessee CatThough I could not open this link I can imagine what it is as I go over there about every 3 months. Yes, there are many manufacturing plants that are still very basic and some still have a total disregard for human life, but many are also as conscience and modern as the factories in the US.
Most of this is driven by large retailers in the US demanding safe conditions and then inspecting regularly.
Each time I go there, there are improvements.
Will they ever have the same regard for life and safety as we have, probably not, but as there lives improve and their standard of living, their regard for how precious life is may also improve.
The government may not care about about the workers but the factories and the employees do. There is actually a real demand for educated workers, foremen and executives. There are far more opportunities than there qualified people to fill them. The companies are finding they need to improve conditions just to keep them.
These are all gross generalities as it is a large country and each province is difference, but the southern provinces do have many very sophisticated companies.
What is funny "or not" is that if a product is stickily labor oriented, many are being outsourced to countries like Vietnam or Malaysia who have cheaper labor.
As the World turns!!!

try this link: (if not, just search youtube for "China Press")

heynow14Thanks Wal-mart.
dbudnerDon't take this wrong but it sounds like a press release from organized labor. If I have a choice of a widget at $100 made in the US or $2 made in China at as good of quality, well not too hard for me to decide - or apparently a large portion of the population. Now if they had kids tied to posts making them or if we were at war then I would do without it. Forcing a company to pay more then the market will bear with the threat of shutting it down if they don't get it is not much better. The results are obvious in the auto and some of the airline industry.

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