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Forum:Technical Questions & Answers
Topic:Clockspring revealed
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
ken736ccThere is no spring in a clockspring. I replaced the clockspring in my car this weekend. It solved the airbag problem (I knew it would) and also fixed the non operating steering wheel radio switches. These are pictures of a disassembled unit.

This is a complete unit, before disassembly. It is held together by tiny screws.

This is the insides. Notice the misshapen white part on the right. I believe this thin "washer" deforms, and gets bound into the tape.

This is the "tape" that we refer to as the clock spring. It is very similar to the ribbon wires found inside computers. It is about 10 feet long!
The ends are crimped to electrical connections in the plastic housing. I think a failure is caused when the "washer " deforms, and gets bound in the tape. Mine failed while making a full lock left turn. I could hear it when it let go. The tape does not break, but it pulls out of its' connection in the black plastic housing.
It was a good afternoons work, but I am now happy that everything works.

butchceeNice report Ken--how much was the part?
ken736ccRetail is about $155.00. I get a good discount at Bayshore Chrysler. $123.00 no tax.
1buddycDid your "Airbag Warning" light come on during the swap out, and if so were you able to clear the code yourself?
toysThanks for the info, Good thing to know.


ken736ccThe airbag warning light will come on as soon as the unit fails completely. I think I had a partial failure about 6 months before, when the radio controls stopped working.. You must disconnect the battery to do this work. When I reconnected the battery, the airbag warning light and radio controls resumed functioning normally.
Does the connection look like it might be repairable???.

Does it look like it might be resoldered or in anyway reconnected to the plastic housing.

What would you want for your old clock spring unit??, I would like to see if there is a fix for it.


RADCAT RICHNice write up Ken, that was some tape worm you had there
ken736ccHi Toys,
Yes, it looks repairable if you have the patience. The connections on the tape have pulled out of the fittings on the plastic outer housing. I tossed the old unit, but if the garbage men have not picked up, I will retrieve it and contact you.
Originally posted by ken736cc:
Hi Toys,
Yes, it looks repairable if you have the patience. The connections on the tape have pulled out of the fittings on the plastic outer housing. I tossed the old unit, but if the garbage men have not picked up, I will retrieve it and contact you.

Please if you can retrieve it i would like to tinker with it, i do have a lot of time and patience.


Black Tie 161You guys are brave....I wouldn't go anywhere near an airbag assembly. That thing goes off at the wrong time...whew.
toysThanks for the effort Ken.


Originally posted by Black Tie 161:
You guys are brave....I wouldn't go anywhere near an airbag assembly. That thing goes off at the wrong time...whew.

You don't have to be brave if you disconnect the battery and wait a few minutes for the airbag capacitor to denergize and I usually give it a half hour way more time than is called for.
I have changed a few, but if your not sure of how to do it, Don't do it


This message has been edited by toys on 03-09-2005 at 02:07 AM

Black Tie 161I hear ya toys....

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