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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:Confederate flag...raise our taxes
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
GortCNN is reporting that removing the flag is not near enough. Schools,parks,highways.monuments,statues,grave yards,movies,books,etc. All need to be removed And anyone with a Confederate heroes name should be changed.Sounds like Nazi Germany,Iraq,Iran,North Korea.Of course this is just one idiots opinion,but I knew it was coming.I wonder if the British flag will be banned.Maybe we should force a re-education camp for all our citizens.

What would all that cost? I know raise taxes.

This message has been edited by Gort on 06-24-2015 at 03:31 PM

bjprowlerI think they're on the right tack, Gort...Of course, we'll need to have bonfires all around the country to burn those books and other offensive stuff that depicts a Confederate flag...Maybe we should even begin referring to it as "the CF word"....

It's a sure fire cure to end bigotry, racism and hatred in America.....Why didn't someone think of this "solution" earlier?

PS.....Of course, pornography, partial nudity, sexual innuendo and offensive language on TV will still be OK.....And it's OK to abort babies on demand and to have gay people having sex with, or marrying members of their own sex....And if you don't agree, and if you find THOSE things offensive....Tough!....

It's just the sight of that offensive Confederate flag that needs to go....Right?

This message has been edited by bjprowler on 06-24-2015 at 07:56 PM

padrooI think you guys need to relax, take some deep breaths and chill out. Lol

Now look Fort you got bj all riled up.

This message has been edited by padroo on 06-24-2015 at 06:38 PM

bjprowlerPadroo.....That "chip" chip" chip" that you hear is the government taking away your liberty and ability to think for yourself....

Have you ever read George Orwell's novel "1984" where the fictionalized government had a department that was in charge of re-writing history to tell citizens only what they wanted them to believe?


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This message has been edited by bjprowler on 06-24-2015 at 07:46 PM

Originally posted by padroo:
I think you guys need to relax, take some deep breaths and chill out. Lol

Now look Fort you got bj all riled up.


padrooI believe history should be preserved. I don't read novels.

Most of our history books are wrong anyway.

Who invented the light bulb would be a good start.

mslc10Maybe after we dispose of the "slavery" flag and electing ( twice ) a black scamming-the-system foreign student for a president we can move on past the white black issues?

So removing the flag represents that NOW there is no racism ! Everybody done ?! I'm so glad it's over!

Oh wait......we must get rid of " bowl haircuts"

Or how about outlawing Seagrams VO.....the sign behind him in a photograph...
And Budweiser ..another sign framed behind him.....
And golds gym......they need to close down...
Oh crap.... I forgot...we must banish the brand of jeans he was wearing....probably Levi's....a sure staple of the south ( and slavery).
Oh f@ck it ....lets just get rid of whitey all together ....

Oh **** ....who's going to pay taxes then?????

Originally posted by padroo:
I think you guys need to relax, take some deep breaths and chill out. Lol

Now look Fort you got bj all riled up.

http://video.foxnews.com/v/4319354708001/conf ederate-statues-vandalized-nationwide/?intcmp=watchnow#sp=show-clips&v=4319354708001


This message has been edited by Gort on 06-25-2015 at 03:30 AM

BeWareThis is the problem. You give someone or some group and inch and they want miles. It seems extreme Liberals are never satisfied. Obama goes on the radio and basically calls America a racist nation and the result is all hell breaks loose. The great uniter my a$$! I think I can safely guess that the people vandalizing statues are not whites. If they were really serious about improving race relations they would not be doing this. If they think vandalizing statues is going to improve relations especially in the southern states, well I've got news for them. In fact taking these things to extreme now are only going to further degrade relations. I do not agree with agenda of white supremacist groups but I can see them using what currently happening to grow their ranks and revive their cause. Think about it. People are questioning why any US citizen would join ISIS. Next they will e wondering why anyone will join the KKK etc. I agree with South Carolina removing the flag. But this is now getting out of hand.

Jefferson Memorial, Confederate statues enter national race debate

By David Ng contact the reporter

June 24, 2015, 1:02 PM

The Thomas Jefferson Memorial, which has stood near the banks of the Potomac River in Washington for more than 70 years, is a classical tribute to the author of the Declaration of Independence and the third U.S. president..

This week, the Jefferson Memorial was drawn into the national debate about race following the shooting deaths of nine people in a predominantly black church in South Carolina last week. It joins other public statues depicting Southern or Confederate figures, including Jefferson Davis and Robert E. Lee, that some are arguing represent the country's racist past and should be removed.

CNN anchor Ashleigh Banfield this week questioned whether the Jefferson Memorial should be taken down because Jefferson owned slaves. "There is a monument to him in the capital city of the United States. No one ever asks for that to come down," Banfield said.

Fellow anchor Don Lemon responded by saying Jefferson represented "the entire United States, not just the South." But he added: "There may come a day when we want to rethink Jefferson. I don't know if we should do that."

Their comments have been picked up by conservative news sites and blogs. On Infowars, blogger Paul Joseph Watson compared taking down the Jefferson Memorial to the logic of Islamic State terrorists "who have spent the last year tearing down historical statues and monuments because they offend their radical belief system."

Jefferson owned slaves and had children with one of them, Sally Hemings, who is believed to have been a teenager when she first gave birth. Several other presidents including George Washington, Andrew Jackson and James Madison also owned slaves.

At the University of Texas, Austin, a public statue of Jefferson Davis, the president of the Confederacy, was reportedly vandalized this week with the words "Black Lives Matter" and "Bump the Chumps." Another Davis statue at the Statehouse in Frankfort, Ky., has come under scrutiny, with some calling for the work of art to be taken down.

One of those advocating for its removal is Republican gubernatorial candidate Matt Bevin, who was quoted in the Hill newspaper as saying, "It is important never to forget our history, but parts of our history are more appropriately displayed in museums, not on government property."

Statues on the Austin campus of Robert E. Lee, who commanded the Confederate army, and Albert Sidney Johnston, a Confederate general who died during the Civil War, were also vandalized in recent days, according to reports.

Students at the university have started an online petition advocating removal of the statues, saying "it is impossible to reach the full potential of an inclusive and progressive learning institution while putting an idol of our darkest days on a pedestal."

A Confederate monument in Charleston, S.C., was vandalized this week with the words "Black Lives Matter," according to the Post and Courier newspaper.

A tarp was placed around the monument, concealing the graffiti, the newspaper said, but later signs were placed over the tarp that read "All lives matter #charlestonunited" and "Take down racist statues."

Much of the national debate on race has dealt with the Confederate flag, and whether state governments in the South should remove it from display on government grounds and/or in state flags.

South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, a Republican, has called for the flag to be taken down from the Statehouse grounds, but the state Legislature would need to approve such a measure.


BeWareDemonizing America as a racist nation
Originally posted by BeWare:
Demonizing America as a racist nation
http://video.foxnews.com/v/4320006555001/demonizing-america-as-a -racist-nation-/?intcmp=watchnow#sp=show-clips

Thanks for posting this link, Rich....

It's too bad that the people to whom this message needs to be drilled into their heads probably will never see or bother to watch it.

They're too busy getting their political "news" from places like CNN, the Jon Stewart show and Homer Simpson.

Wake up America!......

This message has been edited by bjprowler on 06-25-2015 at 10:00 AM

bjprowlerIf the killer had been photographed holding THIS flag would calls go out for abolishing it simply because HE chose to hold it in a photograph?...

BTW......You'll find this flag in a majority of churches in America today....It's the Christian Flag.....And having your picture taken while holding it WILL NOT MAKE YOU A CHRISTIAN.

This message has been edited by bjprowler on 06-25-2015 at 11:14 AM

dskatt http://youtu.be/YQ-oaUqvAS8

What is the differance between what the Taliban did to this carving of Budda and with what Progersives in this country want to do with The Confederate carving on Stone Mountain in Georgia?

GortGuns don't kill people,Flags kill people.

[IMG]http://i1302.photobucket.com/albums/ag124/wawuzit/flagskillpeople_zpss7f2xazg.jpg[/IM G]

This message has been edited by Gort on 06-25-2015 at 01:37 PM


And for a little levity to the subject

mslc10rush said that the U.S. flag would be next....he was excoriated for making a crazy statement.....BUT ....

read it ....

GortGone with the wind,is sometimes refered as the greatest movie ever. Now there's talk about banning the movie.

If you haven't seen it (hard to believe) you need to see it.

No one has come up with a complete list of books to be banned,...stay tuned.

ed monahanMark Twain has to be in trouble, at this point.
ed monahanI heard the FDA is recalling all the rebel flag tattoos, also. It will be a federal offense to get a tattoo of that flag in the future.
I'm from the north so I really don't care about that flag, one way or the other. When I was in the army, the guys from the south would frequently say, "the South will rise again" and seemed sincere about it.
ALLEY CAT"Gone with the wind,is sometimes refered as the greatest movie ever. Now there's talk about banning the movie.

If you haven't seen it (hard to believe) you need to see it."

I've never seen the movie,,,,,if it's banned, it will not bother me
The South should be allowed to fly the Confederate flag, if they so choose to do so...

This message has been edited by ALLEY CAT on 06-25-2015 at 10:49 PM

silverkatLarry It's hard for me to believe that a man who has passed so much gas has never seen "Gone With The Wind".
NullMindAs somebody who moved to the states when I was 19, and lived both in the north and the south 5 years each, this whole debate over this flag is strange

For the 10 years I spend in the states, never once I saw the confederate flag as a sign of racism, or ever associated with it, actually my entire perception of the civil war was not one of race, racists vs non racists, it went way beyond that.

But if all signs of racism are to be abolished, surely the cross has to go ...

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