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Forum:Prowler Performance/Appearance Discussion
Topic:Controller Replacement
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Larry Summers
my new email is larrysummersfl@comcast.net
Gary C
Originally posted by Larry Summers:
The fuel Controller which was installed with my Prowler's Paxton Novi 1000, is malfunctioning and must be replaced.
Does anyone have any ideas on replacement or a better alternative system for the Controller. Advise, please. System is more than six years old.



Misted seeing you at DQ in October. Did you get your

cat fixed. Gene

Mike KrehelIt's made by Split Second Performance. Go to their website http://www.splitsec.com/index.html
and click on products, then "Fuel / Timing Calibrators". It's the FTC-1. You may want to contact them for an exact part number since the Paxton box may be OEM with a special setup.

Good luck and Merry Christmas.

Mike Krehel

Larry SummersTo Mike Krehel; Thank you for the prompt response; my local Tech is attempting to solve the problem with Dean's Prowler Pro. Dean apparently has good products and is savvy about these type situations; however, I have found him to be extremely slow to respond. At this time, Dean is our first possible solution; however, we will maintain this information you provided as an alternative.
Any more ideas?
Merry Christmas
waynecI also have a Paxton 1000 and discovered that the fuel enrichment was two additional injectors placed in the charge plenum near the intake manifold....this is not good! There is no way the fuel will atomize sufficiently to provide every cylinder the correct amount of fuel.

So my recent research looks like this is the most promising solution without going to the AEM, MOTEC or TEC3 engine management systems:
Look at the "MAPECU" on www.powerhouseracing.com

This allows us to keep our original injector harness which I would like to do for originality purposes.

Larry SummersTHANKS to waynec for your prompt reply. I have passed this information on to my Tech.
Larry SummersAfter reflection, I conclude that perhaps I was premature and didn't have enough verified facts in hand before declaring that Dean at Prowler Pro's service needs improvement. I hope Dean accepts this posted apology, as I promise henceforth not to be critical of anyone without benefit of all the facts.

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