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Topic:Detroit flooding - Woodward ???
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
greatkatIn the last few days we've been hearing about flooding in Detroit.
Since I'm travelling to the Woodward (Detroit suburbs) car extraveganza this weekend, I was wondering if that area had also been affected ???
stevedymoSome info in here:
GortIf you're going to Detroit,floods would be way down the list of things I'd be worried about.If what the news media is saying is true,that place is almost a war zone. More people killed in Detroit that Baghdad. They'll almost give you a house if you have the nerve to stay on the property. The police won't even enter certain sections of the city. Good luck.

Safety rating is 2 out of 100. 100 being the safest.

I want you to remember one word...GLOCK

Seriously be careful.

This message has been edited by Gort on 08-13-2014 at 11:35 AM

Originally posted by Gort:
If you're going to Detroit,floods would be way down the list of things I'd be worried about.If what the news media is saying is true,that place is almost a war zone. More people killed in Detroit that Baghdad. They'll almost give you a house if you have the nerve to stay on the property. The police won't even enter certain sections of the city. Good luck.

Safety rating is 2 out of 100. 100 being the safest.

I want you to remember one word...GLOCK

Seriously be careful.

Sounds like there is too much GLOCK in the city now.

RPLThe majority of Dream Cruise activity is outside of Detroit in the suburbs. We have always advised owners to be aware of where they go. Not knowing the city, you need to stay out of Detroit. Stick to the freeways and major streets. Michigan gets a bad reputation due to Detroit, Flint and a few other large cities. The suburbs are a different world.

Currently I-75 is closed near I-696 due to flood damage. Hopefully they will re-open it before midday tomorrow. Woodward is just fine and people will have an enjoyable experience.

If anyone is coming to Dream Cruise and have a concern, we're happy to try to assist.

Originally posted by padroo:
Sounds like there is too much GLOCK in the city now.

A Glock isn't worth a dime....until you need it, then you'd give everything for a Glock. Have you been watching the people trapped on the mountain in Iraq? They're like sheep in the desert,no hope of making it out safely unless someone comes along with a gun to help.Isis would have a difficult time doing that here in this country, we have more guns than people, almost everyone could get their hands on a gun in just a few hours.

Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto - “You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind each blade of grass.”

This message has been edited by Gort on 08-13-2014 at 02:00 PM

tangled up in BLUE...take more than a flood and gunfire to keep me away from Woodward
RPLThank you Larry! Hope to see you while you're here.
CJGort.........Chicago has more murders than Detroit does. There's not that many people living in Detroit anymore.

Dream Cruise is not even in Detroit and there have never been any issues in the 20 years of this event.

lionbergerThe cruise is north of Detroit, even so, the danger of being in Detroit, especially downtown, is greatly exaggerated. I work part time driving seniors to the various casinos and have had absolutely no problems at all.
I would feel more ill at ease, by far, in Chicago.


This message has been edited by lionberger on 08-14-2014 at 01:58 PM

GortOK that settles it,I'm not going to Chicago or Detroit. I was born in Chicago (not to proud of that)and I don't even go there. I'm a Tennessee boy but would have to admit Memphis isn't a great place to hang around either.
ed monahanI brought the "boogie boards" for nothing. No water on the way up. We are high and dry and checked in at the hotel.
Weather is great. Tom NO LINES Mills is here. Haven't seen anyone else yet.
ALLEY CATWishing everyone attending Woodward Cruise to have a great time.....wish we were there with you!
Originally posted by CJ:
Gort.........Chicago has more murders than Detroit does. There's not that many people living in Detroit anymore.

Could be why! And if Chicago stays on track, those neighborhoods will be a lot like Detroit I imagine ...

Originally posted by tangled up in BLUE:
...take more than a flood and gunfire to keep me away from Woodward

So true,,,,this year Taco Bell, with Mr.Ed in the back seat, is taking his 1977 Dodge K car to Woodward, for more exposure to the mass of people attending.....Bell enjoys being noticed

^ Highly modified by Dorn Body & Coach Works, New Castle

This week, Mr. Ed has taken his dog "HAPPY",,, who will be riding along with Bell for extra security while the Dodge K car is parked along Woodward Avenue:

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