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This message has been edited by WildBill on 04-28-2013 at 06:13 PM

WildBillI wanted to thank everyone who attended today it was a great time as always and it looked as if everyone had fun. Sharon, as always, showed her ECP dedication and still made it up for the show even after her five mile walk she did for the March of Dimes. What a beautiful way to kick off the Prowler season and spend it with such great friends. The weather was as beautiful and as impressive as the vehicles that turned out. We walked away with FIVE trophies and more memories yet again. Congratulations to Steve Dymo for winning the Pete Munson Memorial Trophy and especially to Nicolas Cicale III who displayed great sportsmanship and cheered for all 104 winners and for rounding up the ECP field with the fifth win for the day and picking up the final trophy which was almost as tall as him Thank you again and I look forward to seeing everyone again.

Kindest regards,


DrillinUThank you!!!

enzvoyhad a great time as always ,nice to see old friends and always nice to make new ones
oh and I got my hood open

This message has been edited by enzvoy on 04-28-2013 at 08:10 PM


JeraneWGreat to see all the Prowlers alive and well represented. Thanks for the pictures.
WildBillEnzo - Glad you made it home alright. More importantly... How did you finally get your hood open?
EssexExportYes, very nice day. Was glad I was able to rope in two newer Prowler owners into attending.
Originally posted by WildBill:
Enzo - Glad you made it home alright. More importantly... How did you finally get your hood open?

I used a ratchet with a 20" extension with a 13mm socket and stuck it thru the grill and unscrewed the 2 bolts holding the latch and the hood opened ,I was using a 3/8 ratchet but was too thick to move around so I went out and bought 1/4' extensions and socket and worked much better

pgpdEven though I was Prowler"less" for the day, which Nicholas reminded me about for the 2 1/2 hour ride home, we had a great day! Nice as alwyas to meet new friends and great to see the Posse members. This was a great show and want to thank WildBill for the invite. Great turnout, and I will be sure to have the Prowler their next year, if not , I think Nicholas will Congrats to all the winners!!!
enzvoyhere a link to pictures of the event

DrillinUBeautiful pictures, I see you are a pro.

Enzo, I should have followed you home, the darn GPS took me through Lincoln Tunnel and into the city.

Originally posted by enzvoy:
here a link to pictures of the event

EssexExportAs always Enzo: great pictures.
Originally posted by EssexExport:
As always Enzo: great pictures.

thanks Bob

BeWareAwesome photos. That old Plymouth Hot Rod is Bad to the Bone but it is much earlier model than 1940. I believe it is a 1934 but it could be a 33.

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