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Forum:Off Topic Discussion
Topic:Ed M. You gotta check this out....
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GenoTexdoes this mean the rest of us cant??
SirRealIt's Gold Wing specific Actually it's a trick to get more views and at least one reply.
garysssI've got a Goldwing so I'am allowed to look. Thanks Jeff
SirRealPretty Cool Gary you could tow your Kat to events and have two of your Toys with you
garysssThat would be cool Jeff and it would look good also as the goldwing is same color.
SirRealNice lookin' bike!
ed monahanI think he voided his warranty !!! Holy cow I would never had believed that. I could repo on my bike.
I need to post a pic of my new one. When my computer crashed I lost my photo resizing program.
ed monahan

This is the 2006 Goldwing in front of Oak Alley in LA. Beautiful old Plantation mansion that they have refurbished over the past several years.

This message has been edited by ed monahan on 04-06-2006 at 12:15 AM

Originally posted by ed monahan:
I think he voided his warranty !!! Holy cow I would never had believed that. I could repo on my bike.
I need to post a pic of my new one. When my computer crashed I lost my photo resizing program.

I was thinking the same thing, Ed the repo man, who would ever believe someone on a Goldwing by themselves could repo a car

I don't think I would want to go very far with that rig. The brakes on the wing would not want to stop something that weighs 3 times as much and the clutch wouldn't last very long if it had to start on a hill too many times, an don't even think about stopping on marbles.

ed monahanI have done it a lot of times but I used keys. I usually just call a wrecker. If I have a key AND Sandy, she gets to drive them, for real.
SnomanWOW,Can you guess what ED is driving to Louisville?LOL
ed monahanNo, Sno, we will be in a Prowler. We took the bike to the Grand Canyon in 2000 for a couple of reasons. One, at that point I was going to be one of the "keep the miles low" guys but later came to my senses and decided it was a lot more fun to drive it rather than "have one" to talk about. Secondly, we wanted to take a long trip on the bike and since we did not have a Prowler trailer we could actually take more clothes on the bike rather than the Prowler.
We took a PT to Cruising the Coast because Sandy was having terrible hip problems and the heated seats in the PT and the higher seats was the only way we thought we could make it. We were pressed for time and she could could drive the PT if we needed to come straight home but could not drive the m/c so that was our choice. She no longer has the hip problem and Louisville is about 1 1/2 to 2 hours away so we can make the trip in a Prowler.
I do drive the bike to the golf course with my clubs laying across the back seat. I just hope the weather gets better around here by that time. lol

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