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Forum:General Prowler Discussion
Topic:FLORIDA KAT PACK Membership Update...
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T O P I C     R E V I E W

With lots of Kats visiting Florida during the upcoming Hot Rod Power Tour, I have received several questions regarding the FLORIDA KAT PACK. The following is the Membership Information and if you are not a Florida resident, you may wish to join as an Honorary Member. Y'all are welcome and hope this will encourage more of you to cross the border and join our many organized Prowlin' Adventures in Paradise.

For our Florida Kat Owners, this Membership information has been updated since last posted, so PLEASE review.


The "FLORIDA KAT PACK" was formed at the request of many, many Florida Prowler Owners. This unique personalization was developed to properly and proudly identify us when participating in Florida and other area Prowlin’ Adventures.


We are a group of INDIVIDUALS, residing in Florida and are the proud Owners of a Prowler or two or three. We continually, actively seek out other Florida Prowler Owners to associate and communicate, sharing our same common Prowler Love and interests.

Since we are not a Club or any other organized entity, there are NO membership fees and NO dues.
A Florida Owner's register / database of the Florida Prowler Owners was created and is maintained for the soul purpose of communicating among ourselves. This unique concept is for legal and liable reasons. Additionally, each Florida Prowler Owner and their guest are responsible for their individual actions and as such do not jeopardize any other person thru association, membership or organization.

As a Florida Prowler Owner and part of the current Florida Owner's register / database, you are automatically considered as part of the "FLORIDA KAT PACK". If, for any reason you do not wish to be associated with the "FLORIDA KAT PACK" and our Prowler interest / activities, please notify me at once and I will remove your name from our register / database. If you HAVE NOT been receiving “FLORIDA KAT PACK” emails, then please notify me ASAP, either via email (jay@yellercat.com) or phone toll free 800 KAT PACK so that I may include you in our register / data base.

This is a Florida Owner’s unique identity effort in addition to The Prowler Owner's Association (www.prowleronline.com). Additionally all “FLORIDA KAT PACK” Adventures and updates are available 24/7 (www.prowlerexcitement.com) just click on “FLORIDA KAT PACK” for this information.

Remember, as part of the "FLORIDA KAT PACK" you are charged with "continually, actively seeking other Florida Prowler Owners to communicate and share our common Prowler Love and interest" and you will notify me (jay@yellercat.com) of their Name and addresses to update / maintain our Owner's register / data base.

If you are not a full or part time Florida resident, you may join as an Honorary “FLORIDA KAT PACK” Member.

Additional Honorary requirements to become / remain an active “FLORIDA KAT PACK” Member...
(1) Participate in one or more “FLORIDA KAT PACK” Adventure(s) during a calendar year.
(2) Be TOTALLY committed and support our FUN, FUN, FUN attitude and organized Prowlin’ Adventure efforts.

Remember, the “FLORIDA KAT PACK” Membership is complimentary... it is all about FUN, FUN, FUN and nothing else.

Sincerely, Jay

BuckNekkidThanks Jay. We appreciate ya
pumpkinJust Join the Kat Pack. Thank you Jay and Mrs Jay and thank you for your fine products.

Aren't "honorary members" required to buy current active members the first round of drinks ???

Ed W.Carol & I were in Sarasota last month. First trip to Florida. We both went with pre-conceived ideas of Floridians and "snowbirds" that were anything but complimentary. After two days, we looked at each other & said "Why aren't we part of this"?

Another meal of "crow" (for me) again. She can retire in about two years. I'm already out. Make room for us, we're applying for membership!

KRU-ZNNEd and Carol,
No "Crows" allowed to fly over the
"Florida Kat Pack" Prowlers !!
We hope you will join us soon
at any one of the up and coming events
Especially the Power Tour
Best Regards,
Marji & Ted

KOL CATJay & Nancy,



Kol Cat, Gene

YELLER CATCarol and Ed..

WELCOME as an Honorary Member to the Florida Kat Pack... glad to have y'all sign up.

Before your next trip to Florida, visit our 24/7 event website by logging on to www.prowlerexcitement.com then click on Florida Kat Pack Events. This will provide you with the information regarding what organized Prowlin' in Paradise Adventures may be convenient during the visit. If more information is needed, just give me a call toll free @ 877 KAT PACK.

We are looking forward to an early meeting.

Owning a Prowler is all about FUN, FUN, FUN... nothing else!!!

Sincerely, Jay

DIXIE CatThanks Kol Cat Gene!!

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