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Topic:FOTO Class..Chapter 2, choosing locations.. the WALL...
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
tangled up in BLUELesson 2

I break down locations into 3 types....

PLAIN, as discussed in Chapter 1, nothing but the car, pavement and sky ...NOTHING ELSE ....

THE WALL, ....... Chapter 2

FOTO ART, .....Chapter 3

Chapter 2

....beauty and art is always in the eye of the beholder...what I like you may not, vice versa....you first must please your self....I am just trying to help you see what is around you....

...here is where the color of your car starts to come into play...with the 'PLAIN' background the color of the car is not important , it should be the only major color in the picture anyway...

...with ' the WALL' you want a background that compliments the color of your car....as you drive around in your Kat, be aware of the colors of your surroundings....they can also make or break your Foto Shoot......if you have a bright colored car a dark background will highlight your car....if your car is a dark color, a lighter background is best....try to stay away from large amounts of grass or greenery in the back ground, green doesn't look that great with most colors(especially black cars)....don't try to match the background with your car....don't shoot a black car in front of a black building, a yellow car with yellow bushes/flowers....don't shoot a red car in front of a red building....look for contrasting colors....

...'the WALL' concept is simple and self explanatory....by parking your car in front of a brick wall, you stop the eye from going deeper into the picture....the eye is sent back to the car which is exactly what you wanted to start with....the picture is framed so to speak by the wall....in chapter 1 you shot your car with only the sky behind it....but the sky is actually a wall of sorts for photographic purposes....it stops your eye from wandering and brings you immediately back to the subject of the picture, THE CAR...the WALL can be a brick wall, a row of corn, a row of hedges, a forrest or anything that you can't see thru....certain color cars look great in front of brick walls, certain color cars look great in front of corn etc etc....not all cars will look good in every location...the wall is anything that stops the eye from going deeper in the picture than you want....it is fun to find different places to shoot.....you will soon become obsessed with looking for places that will make your Kat stand out for that perfect picture.... the WALL concept can literally make your car jump out of the picture at you and the colors can enhance the car itself....still a very simple concept and easy to find walls of all sorts....

walls to avoid in my opinion...
....metal buildings, too harsh and usually too many ridges and lines
...houses and garages, again too many distractions and too many lines and textures...

walls to look for depending on the color of your car
...old barns, natural wood or faded red wood look very rustic
...corn, especially golden corn at the end of the season
...really old brick walls on the side of buildings
...a thicket of small trees, must be a solid mass with no big tree trunks growing out of your car.....especially in the fall/spring
...a hedge row can sometimes work if the car is a bright color...you don't want the convertable tops and window frames to disappear in a dark background...

....with a little cruising around I bet you can find several WALLS in an afternoon while listening to the Beach Boys....

perfect example of a WALL picture, a row of corn stops the eye and returns it to the car...all the while enhancing the color of the car...

This message has been edited by tangled up in BLUE on 06-07-2005 at 02:40 PM

tangled up in BLUEa few more examples of walls.....

this picture works because the colors enhanced the Gold Kat... trees are usually avoided, but in this case they work because they are small and the lines add interest to the background, but still send your eyes back to the car.....the whole idea in the first place....

another WALL.....the picture stops behind the car and returns the eye immediately to the focal point.....contrast between light and dark works well here also....

..and of course, there are plenty of plain old brick walls out there....look around and see what is around your town....

This message has been edited by tangled up in BLUE on 06-07-2005 at 03:14 AM

ALLEY CATIn Chapter 2,,,,THE WALL,,,is it advised to be playing Pink Floyd's song on the cat audio while taking the picture?

Thanks for a reply,

tangled up in BLUE
Originally posted by ALLEY CAT:
In Chapter 2,,,,THE WALL,,,is it advised to be playing Pink Floyd's song on the cat audio while taking the picture?

Thanks for a reply,

"we are still watching you"....

Lone Ranger
and I'm still learning.........lol

Dale BeamanThanks

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