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Topic:FOTO Class..Chapter 3, the 'Art Shot'
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
tangled up in BLUE...the ART SHOT.....possibly the most difficult to accomplish of the bunch.....I look for these shots all the time because they are the most fun and the most rewarding to me.....they are a combination of the 'Wall' shot, and something else.....the something else I can't put into words....

....it is a shot that uses the car as part of the picture, the centerpiece of the picture, but at the same time the surroundings take on an equal importance to the car....

...background colors, shapes, textures and lighting all become important parts of the Art Shot....the car is just another component of the total canvas.....

...I still like to use the 45 degree angle pose for the car because it still denotes action and also brings more interest to the picture....the car may be posed in front of things to highlight the cars color, while still drawing interest to the surroundings.....sometimes I use things in the foreground to partially obscure the car, just to break up the shapes into the unexpected....the color of the car is used to enhance the surroundings as much as the surroundings are used to enhance the car...these 'Art' shots may sometimes break the rules of the previous chapters....

...the backgrounds may be industrial, rustic, even ornamental....the idea being contrast, contrast is what art is all about, contrasting colors and light.... ...a car is smoothe surfaces and solid colors, so look for the opposite in the surroundings and backgrounds....always keep colors and contrast in mind when looking for the Art shots....

the next few pictures are examples of contrasts....

contrast in color and light....not every color car would be enhanced in this picture...

contrast in shapes and color....this was shot inside the Chrysler plant a few weeks ago....when I got inside the place I knew I wanted to take pictures....the dirty greasy machinery in contrast to the bright yelo car....the yelo in the background was a real bonus for me....possibly my favorite pictures ever came from the shoots that day....

,,,just an exercise in color....trying to bring a little extra color into the picture....and shooting the flowers in the foreground...

...a sleek car in front of a not so sleek background....industrial shots are some of my favorites....color, shapes, lighting....lots of interest to a shot like this...

...color, light, contrast....all this picture is about....the dark background, bright car, and the red flowers bring this shot together....very few color cars would stand out this well.....

This message has been edited by tangled up in BLUE on 06-12-2005 at 05:53 PM

Dale Beaman.

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