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Topic:First Cruise of the Season!
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
CJWe finally had a day last week that was 70+ degrees! One of our local cruise hang-outs had sort of a pre-cruise, as the official cruise season didn't start until May 1. This particular place has a cruise night every Tuesday night. One of our POA members, Ray Szull, was in the Detroit area on business and had contacted Bob and I to see if we could join him for dinner. Bob was unable to go, as he had to be downtown for an industry award presentation that he and his dept. received, so I suggested to Ray that he join me for the cruise. There's usually a lot more vehicles there once the season has officially started. We were told in the restaurant that the vehicles that were there were having a mini-banquet. Apparently, the restaurant actually has a cruise club you can join. They offer discounts in the restaurant for the weekly cruise night and they also give out awards and prizes for the cars!! Now if it would just quit raining, we could get to more of the cruise nights.

Michigan puts out a monthly publication called Cruis'News which lists all of the places that hold cruise nights during the week. They are listed by day of the week. On Tuesday nights alone, there are 21 places listed for cruise nights. It also lists monthly car shows and happenings, articles on the cars and pictures from some of the events. Also has ads and a lot of other features. Check out their website. There are even some Prowler wheels listed for sale under the "swap meet" section.


Here are some photos from the cruise night:


Does anyone else have something like this in their area?

Randy CobbCJ:
Glad to hear cruising season has started up there.
Started up here over Easter weekend.
The Sonic restaurants sponsor cruise nights in different towns on different nights. Discounts for cruisers and extra roller-skated clad waitresses on cruise nights.


DR PROWLERWe had 9 Prowlers out on Sunday for a cruise to Wasaga Beach/Collingwood.I think we all had a blast as the temperatures were pushing 70's.
I will post some pics soon(we're just warming up for the Niagara event in June).
jmcant1Need more info on that 50th anniversary Vette!!


CJI'll give you any info you want on the Prowler, Jim, but not the competition!! lol!
Laddie RousselMike.

It's called the commenrative 50th Vette. 53 body on C5 Vette.

Here's a link to more pics and there is a link to some background. This is built by a company out of Michagan as an after market product...


JCProwlerIm with CJ, this is DC/Prowler country... Go to www.corvetteforum.com for all your Vette news. Mike, like myself and lots of others, we dump out of our Vettes to have the coolest car on the planet!

This message has been edited by JCProwler on 05-06-2003 at 07:56 PM

Duane CurtoCJ,
Is that the old Mr B's on M-59 ? I remember it well.

Take Care,


CJ - Will the "I scREAM" pilot and co-pilot be attending the cruise nites?


Call 911 - there is a Prowler in my garage....


FL Blue KatMan I still love that white !!!

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