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Topic:Fuel Tank Capacity
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
bryancobbHas anyone ran their fuel tank dry? I usually do that ...once on every car I own. The reason is to record exactly how many MILES I have to spend on a full, 3/4, 1/2, 1/4, and empty tank.

I want to be able to correlate fuel gauge readings with miles spent vs. miles still in the bank.

On a Prowler, is there any unexpected problems with the initial startup of a car that has exhausted its fuel supply?

BeWareThe fuel pump is mounted in the gas tank to keep it cool. Running the pump dry could potentially damage it. I think Prowler fuel systems have enough issues on their own. Personally I would not do this. I have heard of people running out of gas by accident and don't recall any of them having issues restarting the car.
robinIntroducing air into the system has caused running rough problems. There is a bleeder valve on the fuel rail .
Below is a thread about mileage. good luck.


TucsonJerI got into a tight spot last year on the way home from Detroit. I know I drove at least 40 miles with the fuel light on. When I pulled up to the pump, my engine was still running when I turn the key off. I put 12.021 gallons of gas into the tank. I doubt if I would have made it another mile. I had two things working against me, high wind and pulling a trailer. I promised myself I’d never be in that situation again. Jer
Originally posted by TucsonJer:
I got into a tight spot last year on the way home from Detroit. I know I drove at least 40 miles with the fuel light on. When I pulled up to the pump, my engine was still running when I turn the key off. I put 12.021 gallons of gas into the tank. I doubt if I would have made it another mile. I had two things working against me, high wind and pulling a trailer. I promised myself I’d never be in that situation again. Jer

I start looking for gas at 1/4 of a tank left on the gauge.

Silveradolight comes on, to the nearest gas station I can find.

FastLaneI don't have that kind of balls to run it all the way to empty.
alrtg http://www.prowleronline.com/ubb/Forum1/HTML/021643.html

I ran out in my Prowler on my first long distance trip. The car had been driven infrequently during the years prior to my purchasing it.

I wanted to see how far I could go on one tank before the low fuel light came on. With 250 miles on the tank I decided not to push it even though the guage indicated 1/4 tank was left so I decided to stop at the first interchange with a gas station.

Five miles later the car sputtered and I pulled over to the shoulder. After a couple attempts to re-start I decided I was either out of fuel or something else had gone wrong. I was able to use my GPS to find a number to call and called for a rollback and a can of gas. I did instruct the driver to bring lumber to raise the wheels so the chin would not hit the ramp.

Fortunately for me it was out of gas. The low fuel light did eventually come on while I was sitting on the side of the road and has worked properly ever since but I sincerely try to avoid waiting that long to fill up.

I went 255 miles on that tank of fuel which isn't bad considering the car has headers and gears. I was running the A.C. while driving at 60 & 70 mph too.

bryancobbI have owned a Comanche' 260 airplane. I wanted to know almost to the second, how much time there was in each tank before it quit. Once a year or so, while cruising at altitude, I run the right tank dry and note the time from full to empty before switching to the full one. On another day I repeated that for the left. I make an entry in the logbook and comparing annual consumption checks will help identify up-and-coming problems. Last fall, the right tank ran 3:05 at a 14GPH fuel flow. So it holds 43.16 gallons usable. The left one held the textbook 45 gallons. It's a little nerve-racking because if the 53 year old R/L Fuel Selector breaks when you are switching, you can't tap into that full tank. Never happened to me yet.
padrooI was always told it isn't good to run electric fuel pumps that low on fuel.
ed monahanYou will not get the EXACT same mileage every time, anyway.
Uphill, downhill, with the wind, into the wind, speed, etc will all affect your mileage.

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