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Topic:Go Cart/ Golf Cart Update
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
KrautMade a little progress today. Got the rear end all painted up and final assembled.

Here's an exploded view of the rear axle, showing all the pieces including the limited slip clutch. All this stuff was made in my garage, except for the bearings, bolts, pins, seals, and springs.

The limited slip clutch uses oil impregnated, sintered bronze plates, onto which torque can be adjusted by screwing the left and right clutch housings together more or less.

Here's what it looks like after assembly.

This is what it looks like on the cart frame. I still have to make an idler sprocket assembly to replace the rubber mallet in the photo.

Here's a front view of the cart frame. Next step is to finish and paint the front axle. Notice the center pivot of the axle, which allows for terrain compensation. The frame is far from finished, but is coming along.

More to follow as progress is made.

Dale BeamanWOW - Nice workmanship!
ed monahanPrince Rainer, you are a true craftsman.
Great engineering, great craftsmanship! My hat's off to you.
P.S. No wonder Ford's is in trouble - you retired!
Richard JacksonRainer very cool
Eddie PowellRainer, I'm impressed!!
quincyYes, he is quite the craftsman, old world vintage. And this project is just toying around while putzing in the shop!
SimonsezYou are a very talented man. When you get through with this project you will have quite a jewell.
Wayne FinchAre you taking orders?
KrautThanks for the comments. I do this kind of stuff for fun. It's hobby for me. I would never do it for money, because then it becomes a job and the fun goes away. It keeps my old brain moving. Kinda like excercise for the body. It's good for you.

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