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Topic:Gold Kat in the Snow...
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
tangled up in BLUE...spent the week in beautiful Los Angeles/Santa Monica/Hollywood/Malibu/Pasadena etc etc...rubbed elbows with real live movie stars, it seemed everyone was driving a sportscar but me (had a Chrysler 300M,great car)....California weather was perfect, absolutely perfect....

...return to Indiana last night and as Gomer Pyle used to say "surprise surprise", snow again !!!...so I rushed out at 8am this morning still barefooted and got these shots, the snow was gone less than an hour later...

halicatlooks great larry ! got that canadian look..

glad to see ya back....

missed your photographic injections...

Ac has been getting away with murder !

anxiety2001Gold is a great color on a Kat! Beautiful pics!!

I am upset at you, you could have let us know you were going to be in So. Cal....

tangled up in BLUEOrange....I wasn't sure till the very last minute the trip was going to work at all....but I sure do appreciate the friendship....I have an old friend/classmate that lives in B. Hills too, he is President/CEO of Ticket Master....didn't have my crap with me to find him either...

the last few days before leaving on Saturday morning...

* switched credit card companies in all our stores March 1, 2005...find out last week just before leaving ALL electronic sales in one store were being deposited in another businesses account(a competitor at that)...I was showing a big balance and had checks bouncing....got that straightened out while in Ca....
* Phillip Morris decides to audit 5 of my Indiana stores(pain in the a$$)...
* R.J.Reynolds seems to have misplaced $20-25K of my money from one store(still have no resolve on this one)but I will this week....
* get a letter in the mail for an IRS audit(we do every 2 years it seems)...always get an A+, but it is laborious and time comsuming....still working on that one today....

* Thursday before leaving , my mother is admitted to the hospital for emergency heart problems...

* Thursday before leaving, find a nursing home that will admit my dad for short time therapy while she is in the hospital....

* remodeling project at my home at a crucial point needing lots of input....

...I had free air tickets and came very close to just trashing them I was so pi$$ed off before leaving....but California was great, just what the doctor ordered.....promise to return, maybe this summer....we had no reservations and ended up staying at the Hilton/Universal City all week....great place, great location to see what I wanted to see.....couldn't have worked out better....tomorrow is Monday, and I will be on the phone ranting at several companies bright and early, at 8am...larry

Originally posted by Orange:

I am upset at you, you could have let us know you were going to be in So. Cal....


best wishes for you mother.....everything else can be fixed easily - or if not, it's just money.

I hope your mother gets well soon.


ALLEY CATTUB-E - Glad you are back,,,,the board has been so quiet since you left

Hope your mother is doing better and your father is getting along ok!

Since you'll be on the phone at 8am on monday,,,I'll call ya @ 7:55am and tie up your phone line so you can't make those important calls, lol.

Bouncing checks???,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,hhhmmmmmmmmmm,,,guess I'll need cash from you up front on our bets

tangled up in BLUEthanx for the kind thoughts guys....parents are home and doing as well as expected for their age...my father is 100% dependant on his pacemaker, along with other heart problems....I tell him to carry extra "AA" batterys in his back pocket in case of emergency....my mother has had serious heart problems for the last few years and just found out during this last episode she is now a diabetic...they have great spirits and accept that getting old is not a perfect situation....

...all the things in business always get fixed, thats been my job for 30 years...it was just unusual to have so many fires to put out in such a short time....things that happen rarely, or never, all happened that one week.....

..Cookie is tanning on the beach in Florida this week, so I will get a much needed rest from "the warden"....

Ed W.Tangled:
Best wishes for your Mom's speedy recovery.
Mine will be 81 next month (good Lord willing).
She's beat the big "C" twice and still going, although the diabetes is giving her the challenge now........

Ed (& Carol)

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