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Forum:Off Topic Discussion
Topic:HUMMER division sold...
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
ALLEY CATA Chinese heavy equipment company has bought the HUMMER division of GM.

Headquarters to remain in the Detroit area, it was reported.

The Chinese will own everything of our's,,, by the time our debts to them are repaid...

Its the end of the world,,,I tell ya,,,the end of the world!!

ETMIDZTBetter get out yer Yen $$$$ if you want one.
meancatYen is for Japan. You will want to get some of these.

I've been stocking up, Just a little advise.


Originally posted by meancat:
Yen is for Japan. You will want to get some of these.

I've been stocking up, Just a little advise.

Ahhh, but SOME OF US know why you're stocking up! Wink, Wink, Nod, Nod!

KalaI have a Hummer H2... I'm worried about owning it now.

Hopefully they can keep quality parts...
Not fill my truck up with cheaper, plastic Chinese parts...

Damn I hope nothing breaks...


you wouldn't believe how many Delco and other auto parts are now made in China


GM goes China.
Not only with the Hummer, lots of other activities are
in direction >>> China. http://media.gm.com/

We have a couple stores, shops, companies, online pages in
Germany & Europe, who sell exclusive ... - Made in USA - Products.
They are doing well over here.!!!

If I walk in USA trough the shops and I look at the
products, there is very, very often a made in china, Korea or what ever sticker on. ( .. or, designed in USA / made in china ...)

Well, it looks like, that this will be going on with cars in the future too. Not only in the USA, here in EU too !
BMW, Mercedes, VW/Audi boost there China & India activities a lot. Ja´p, they say, its only for their local market.
And here, more and more jobs get cut. A few in the managment make big bucks, lots of people are happy about cheaper products, produced in fare east". But at the end, who pays for a high unemployment rate in the US & EU ???


This message has been edited by condor on 10-11-2009 at 12:43 PM

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