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Topic:Had a strange phone call last night.
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Kelley AustinI had a call form a company doing a survey on Prowlers last night. Asked a lot of questions about what I liked and disliked, what chrysler should have done insted of what they did, why people buy these kind of cars, why would someone buy these kind of cars, etc., etc. Has anyone else had a call like this?
SuperKatSounds scary. I'd lock the Kat up tonight. Why would anybody be doing a survey like this on a discontinued car?
Originally posted by SuperKat:
Sounds scary. I'd lock the Kat up tonight. Why would anybody be doing a survey like this on a discontinued car?

My thoughts too. I would not answer these questions to someone over the phone unless I called them.

CTProwlerI would be very worried that someone saw your kat and was trying to be sure your the right owner, before they came by to steal it! I wouldn't give any info until i was certain who i was talking to. I'd check my caller ID and find out if possible where the call came from. It could be quite harmless also, just someone who happens to know you through a friend or something and is curious before they buy one. JMO


ed monahanI agree, it sounds a little like some type of scam. Be extra alert for awhile.
Speaking of strange phone call. I kept getting phone calls on my new cell phone and finally I told one particular guy that he had the wrong number and quit calling me.
His reply was a classic.
"I didn't dial the wrong number dude, it is right on my speed dial memory in my phone so I didn't dial the wrong number."
I told him I must have the wrong phone then and hung up.
cnote6Sorry, I call other Prowler owners all the time??

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