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Forum:Off Topic Discussion
Topic:Happy 4th of July (just to the older folks)
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
ed monahanCheck out the faces.
bjprowlerGreat video, Ed.....But who can listen to "God Bless America" and not think of the great Kate Smith who made this Irving Berlin song famous 50 years ago?

God Bless America was written by Irving Berlin in 1918 and later revised by him in 1938. The later version was then recorded by Kate Smith, and became her signature song.

Berlin wrote the song in 1918 while serving the U.S. Army at Camp Upton in Yaphank, New York, but decided that it did not fit in a revue called Yip Yip Yaphank, so he set it aside for twenty years.

In 1938, with the rise of Hitler, Irving Berlin, who was Jewish and a first-generation European immigrant, felt it was time to revive it as a "peace song", and it was introduced on an Armistice Day broadcast in 1938 sung by Kate Smith, on her radio show. She introduced it as a "brand new" song.


Nobody can sing it quite like Kate....

This message has been edited by bjprowler on 07-02-2017 at 09:24 AM

ed monahanThe clip is more about all of the stars from back in the day, who are no longer with us. Not so much the song.
bjprowlerMy bad, Ed,,,,,,It must have been all those celebrities singing the same, exact song (God Bless America) ON THE 4TH OF JULY that confused me......

I didn't realize that it was meant to be a clip about singing dead people......Have you got any with dead celebrities singing 'Home, Home On The Range' during Christmas?

I'm not sayin' Ed is old and senile,.... but once, someone mentioned that Abraham Lincoln was dead.... To which Ed remarked: "Dead???????....Damn!,I didn't even know he was sick!!!!!!"

This message has been edited by bjprowler on 07-05-2017 at 07:24 AM

mslc10Kate smith.... wasn't she a Charlie's angel?
Originally posted by mslc10:
Kate smith.... wasn't she a Charlie's angel?

She is an Angel now:

May 1, 1907
Greenville, Virginia, U.S.

June 17, 1986 (aged 79)
Raleigh, North Carolina, U.S.


Originally posted by mslc10:
Kate smith.... wasn't she a Charlie's angel?

Here's two of the beauties from Charlie's Angels:

KATE Jackson:

Jacklyn SMITH

The other "Angel" was, of course, Farrah Fawcett.....But since I've always been partial to dark brunettes I think they were the prettiest...

I was never much of a fan of the show though....Pretty cheesy plots

BTW...What was the name of their mysterious "boss" that was never seen but gave them their assignments? And who was he played by?

This message has been edited by bjprowler on 07-07-2017 at 09:06 AM

padrooJohn Forsythe a.k.a millionaire Charlie Townsend


This message has been edited by padroo on 07-07-2017 at 01:11 PM

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