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Topic:Happy Birthday POA ,,,,
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
ALLEY CATVVV - A post from the past > MEMORIES - VVV

Originally posted by Roger:


From Memory: Whereas PROWLER ONLINE was technically ready a couple days previous — July 4th, 2000 became BIG BANG day for the newly established web site of Mike K… and quickly thereafter the name of the group became the Prowler Owners Association.

A famous email from Larry Lord had circulated like wildfire whereby he announced that he was “Changing Channels”. He declared July 4th as INDEPENDNCE DAY from the original PPC website, the former gathering spot for early Prowler owners. Prowler Online was extremely animated those first few days — the migration away from the PPC being a Boston Tea Party of it’s own.

Owners flocked to Mike K’s new site like the California Gold Rush. Shortly thereafter, Tony Goertz merged in his Prowler site and POA/Prowler Online was declared a roaring success.

So Happy 4th and Happy Anniversary Mike K, Judy K, Larry L, Tony G, and a whole host of other early Charter Members and Top of the 4th to ALL MEMBERS since that time. We start another year tomorrow….still strong…still mighty.




This message has been edited by ALLEY CAT on 07-03-2016 at 09:50 AM

LargentThanks for the history.
And thanks to the early pioneers for putting this site together.
The Prowler has been special since its release and remains so.

These kinds of posts make the site fun in addition to being an information repository!

JOYRIDETsk AC , Happy Birthday to a great site.
ed monahanThe POA is 16, old enough to drive, finally.
Thanks to all who got it started and continue to make it available to us all.
JeraneWThanks for the history story. I was not aware of how POA started. I learned of the site after I attended a show at Carlisle.
BeWareHappy Birthday POA.
Larry LordThanks for posting this AC.
I remember many times on the phone with you and others trying to find a name that worked for all.
I know we never suspected it would get this large. Thanks to all who helped and who participate, it's been a good run.

This message has been edited by Larry Lord on 07-04-2016 at 03:46 PM

Originally posted by Larry Lord:
Thanks for posting this AC.
I remember many times on the phone with you and others trying to find a name that worked for all.
I know we never suspected it would get this large. Thanks to all who helped and who participate, it's been a good run.

Remember a long conversation with Larry Lord shortly after getting the Prowler and joining the PPC as they were looking for a director for Indiana. Not sure the time line but became very disillusioned with the management with PPC. Their idea of a Prowler meet was dinner at a fancy resturant, try and meet famous people and little to do with the car. At the time I thought a meet should be, hang out in parking lot with other car guys, talking car stuff, eating dinner off a cart THE GUY WITH FOOD ( at the time $3 got you a soft drink, bag of chips and BBQ sandwich) brought to the cruise in.

Met Mike and Judy at a PPC event to visit CAAP in 99, great couple that wanted a way to share info and pictures about the Prowler. U

WildCat Plymouth Prowler (well cannot figure out how to get the link to work to Dans u tube video)

Dan Pena did this video at the 1st Prowler meet were I met Mike & Judy and many other early Prowler owners.

Due to so many people not happy with PPC, POA was born, I was one that joined in the beginning and happy I SWITCHED CHANNELS!

The car is great, I tell people it is a life changing experience. Have met people from all over the world that we can call friends. Without the Prowler I would not be able to say that. No other car has the appeal the Prowler does, but it isn't the car that makes it so great, the thing that makes it great is the wonderful owners.

We have events big & small but even the after Christmas Party were we do not even bring the cars we have a good time with the owners.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY and a HUGE Thank You to all those that started and keeps ProwlerOnLine going

This message has been edited by WildCat on 07-04-2016 at 05:14 PM

CJHappy Birthday to POA!!!! 🎂🎉

From one of the original oldie members!!!!

The REAL CJ - The One and Only
1999 Black - PPROWLR
2002 Deep Candy Red - CJPROWLN
2002 Black California Kid Prowler - CAL KID

The Prowler makes you smile. Why? Because it's focused. It has a plot, a reason for being, a passion. It evokes the hot rod. It evokes the American Dream. This car is the human psyche.

dpenaHey Larry,

I believe your referring to this youtube video I took:

WildCat Plymouth Prowler

--> My Latest Dyno Video
(Prowlerexcitement.com DVD Video Vault- Get it Today!) by: Prowlerexcitement.com
(Watch Me Burn Rubber) (Need a Banner, get the Details)

Originally posted by dpena:
Hey Larry,

I believe your referring to this youtube video I took:

WildCat Plymouth Prowler

Thanks Dan

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