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Topic:Happy Mothers Day
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
toysHappy Mother's Days to all you Mother's Out there.


ALLEY CATI'll second that!

Have a GREAT DAY Ladies!

Originally posted by toys:
Happy Mother's Days to all you Mother's Out there.


Would you mind if I rephrased that a little...

Happy Mothers Day to all you wonderful, thoughtful and caring ladies out there!!!

A little better...no?


MIKE GATLINEarly Mothers Day morning Karen pulled out the vacuum cleaner, I said, "don't get that out, it's Mothers Day for crying out loud!....It will wait till tomorrow!" She said, "you're right, I was just getting it out for you!"
I asked my lovely wife PAt what she would like for Mother's Day.

She replied "Something practical, but if you must, some flowers would be nice."

I went to the store and found the perfect gift, A new ironing board cover with a floral pattern.

When she opened the gift, I swear she almost was moved to tears. I think.
It's kinda hard to read woman you know.....

CJThanks for the Mother's Day wishes. We spent a quiet day at the cottage. Had been raining for days, but it cleared up in the afternoon and the sun actually came out. So, we took advantage of the break in the weather and got the pontoon boat out of storage and into the water for the season. I actually got to go fishing for a while!!

My oldest son works weekends, but he did take time out to call and my younger son is stationed in NC, so he called (although we just made a trip down there a week ago and I got to see him). The best part of my Mother's Day is knowing that I have raised two great sons that have grown up to be wonderful adults and I love them more than life itself.

Originally posted by CJ:
The best part of my Mother's Day is knowing that I have raised two great sons that have grown up to be wonderful adults and I love them more than life itself.

Isn't that what Mothers Day is all about CJ!

Life just wouldn't be the same without my twins.


junior420heres a funny story...so i bought my mother a $10 10 yr old cd that she really likes and i bought my dad a $1500 bird. Put it like this...im in boiling water right now.

At least you gave your Father the "BIRD" on Mothers Day and NOT your Mom.

Wait...you were talking about a live bird...oh...I get it now.


CJWell, Junior, to make up for it, give your mother something cool on Father's Day.
junior420haha thats the plan haha

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