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Forum:Off Topic Discussion
Topic:Happy Veterans Day
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
CJThank you to all the military Veterans that have served by devoting their life to protecting our country so that we can live with the freedoms we so highly value.

Our thanks to the families of the Veterans who love and support our military, our sympathies to the families who have lost a loved one to the endeavor of keeping our country free.

Our thanks, love and support to all our husbands, wives, fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins and friends who are now serving. We owe them a huge debt of gratitude.

A special thank you to our Veteran son Paul Longstreth who served in the USAF 1991-1995 and to our son Tsgt Brian Longstreth USAF 1991 - Present (18 years so far) for being honorable and courageous men. We love you and couldn't be more proud of both of you.

Our flag forever flies for all!!!

This message has been edited by CJ on 11-11-2009 at 06:45 AM

Tytanium-K Amen, CJ...Amen!
jimsuttonI want to thank ALL of Our VETERANS on this day ..I am proud to support our military armed forces . May God bless them all for serving this wonderful country ..Jim/catmando

A huge THANK YOU to ALL that have served our country..........

This message has been edited by ALLEY CAT on 11-11-2009 at 07:57 AM

galaxieThank You, Thank You, Thank You,
toysMy heart goes out to all who served and to those now serving our country to keep this Nation Free.


CJIt's the Military, not the reporter who has given us the freedom of the press.

It's the Military, not the poet, who has given us the freedom of speech.

It's the Military, not the politicians that ensures our right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

It's the Military who salutes the flag, who serves beneath the flag, and whose coffin is draped by the flag.

Dave MillsI would like to add my personal thanks to Captain Craig Mills and Captain Stephanie Mills, my son and daughter-in-law and to former Staff Sgt. David Mills, now serviing with the U.S. Coast Guard as a civilian employee.
TFischer Thank you to everyone (and their families) that protect us each and every day to keep our freedom.
David Veu CasovicThank You.
Stray CatOur Military are the best..... we are so very blessed to have them. Today I will visit my Dad (have a picture with he and General Patton on my wall - pinning a Bronze Star on him) at his Grave where my brothers and I will do a shot of his favorite scotch. We meet there and toast Dad every Vets day. Great Man ..... miss him terribly.



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BeWareWell said CJ and Amen.

Freedom Isn't Free


For those who have fought before - For those who are fighting now - and For those who will fight in the future - Some whom have given the ultimate sacrifice - some live on to tell the history. For those heroes who protect our country and a lot of time other countries. Fighting to protect rights - our beliefs - our FREEDOM. Thank you.

CJWhile I was in my Doctor's office today, waiting for my turn, an older man was leaving and by the way he was dressed, it was obvious he was a veteran. He had on a really nice "flag" leather jacket and a cap proclaiming him a veteran. As he passed by me, I wished him a "Happy Veteran's Day". He stopped, looked at me and said "Thanks, I really needed that today".

While Veterans Day is a great way to honor our Military, please don't forget to say "Thank You" ANY day you see a Veteran or someone in military dress. They need to hear it more than one day a year.

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