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Topic:Headrest Removal
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
SunriseCruiserHas anyone taken off their headrests. I unzipped the back and saw the clip to undo but i cant seem to get it out is that all there is to it just the clip? and does anyone have any pics without the headrests. Thanks.


KrautThe headrests are a real bear to get out of the seats. The clips used to hold them in place are a really poor design and very brittle. I found two of the four in my seats to be broken.

I had to remove my headrests to replace the shoulder harness guides on the seats. Only one was broken, but I had to buy both because the original design ones were no longer available.

The easiest way to get the headrests out is to use a rubber mallet and give them a good wack in the up direction. This will force the clips out of the way and allow them to be pulled out. Put a towel under the top of the headrest and nothing will be harmed.

I bought some hitch pins which look like safety pins and used them in place of the original pins. They work much better and will not break from bending. I also took a file to the notches in the headrest shafts and cut the retainer pin grooves into a "V" configuration. The original design is a square cut groove, which is why it is so hard to pull the headrest out. Mine now pull in and out easily, without being loose.

Good Luck,

Tom MillsThe head rests come off very easy. Just un zip the cover on the back of the seat and reach up with your fingers and you will feel the retainer clip, one on each side of the head rest. Pull the lower end of the clip out of the slot and carefully pull it down and slip it around on the opposite side of the tube so you can wiggle it around and free it up from the upper slot and the clip will fall out. Do the same for the othe side and now you can slide the head rest up and off. Then you can see the clip and see what you were doing so you can replace the clip in the 2 slots before you slide the head rests back in. Let me know if you need more information

This message has been edited by Tom Mills on 05-29-2004 at 11:45 PM

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