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Topic:I can't believe the difference !
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
greatkatRecently (on advice from both Ed Monahan and Gary Empfield),I replaced the front brake pads with ceramic brake pads.
Now, instead of the usual crappy brown dust everywhere, there is very little evidence of brake dust after driving.
What a difference !!!!
For about $30 in parts, this was certainly a great choice.
Thanks Ed ... Thanks Gary.
CJCeramic brakes was one of the first things I did to my 3 cats! Sure does make a difference in the cleaning!!!
DrillinUwhere did you get the ceramic brakes pads from?
stevedymoGary, most people use the Raybestos PGD730QS for the front pads. The number has changed to ATD730C. $48 on Amazon w/free shipping. Read this thread

Originally posted by DrillinU:
where did you get the ceramic brakes pads from?

I imagine anywhere, I found them at O'Reilly. You will not regret!

DrillinUthank you
pumpkinGreat mod.


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"I may have to grow older, but I do not have to grow up!"

"The Prowler is not a car to go from Point A to Point B. The Prowler is the Point!"

CJWe purchased mine at Pep Boys.

The REAL CJ - The One and Only
1999 Black - PPROWLR
2002 Deep Candy Red - CJPROWLN
2002 Black California Kid Prowler - CAL KID

The Prowler makes you smile. Why? Because it's focused. It has a plot, a reason for being, a passion. It evokes the hot rod. It evokes the American Dream. This car is the human psyche.

JeraneWOne of the first mods I did. Helps preserve the chrome on the backside of the wheels.

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