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Forum:Off Topic Discussion
Topic:If you have not seen it check out this auction
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
cmblockhusGot this in an email from my brother is pretty cool.

was reading a story in the Salt Lake Tribune.......this con man had run a "Madoff" deal, go busted, and the US Marshalls are selling off his collection of around 200 cars, bikes and assorted toys....I went in to take a look, and couldn't figure out how a person could have so much stuff........no way in hell you could use even a small portion of it........
Seeing as how it's an auction put on by a branch of the federal government, I figure a person could make a good buy or six........
Here's a link to the preview page.


block buster

TLRandallA/C was fired as the Curator of that museum, did you see how dusty he left those cars!!!!!
CJHow could you have a collection of cars like that and not take care of them?
Originally posted by TLRandall:
A/C was fired as the Curator of that museum, did you see how dusty he left those cars!!!!!


While I was fired from that particular museum gig,,,,it was the fault of my lot boy, Mike Gatlin, who dropped the ball by not taking care of the cars

On our next museum contract,,,I'm going to have to oversee his work much closer I would hate to fire him, he needs the work to get the kids through college....

Originally posted by ALLEY CAT:

While I was fired from that particular museum gig,,,,it was the fault of my lot boy, Mike Gatlin, who dropped the ball by not taking care of the cars

On our next museum contract,,,I'm going to have to oversee his work much closer I would hate to fire him, he needs the work to get the kids through college....

I understand there was some miscommunication in that particular instance. However, with all good stories, there are 2 sides to be heard. As hard as I tried, it sounded like you were talking out of both sides of your mouth not to mention inflexibility. I swear at times it was as though I was talking to a cardboard cutout. Just cuz I folded your ass up and stuck you in the UPS dropbox is no reason to hold a grudge. I could have taken you to the recycling place! If you want to get Larry's attention, just pull out a box cutter.

Photo from Texas Prowler Stampede 2004. Still a blast many years later.

This message has been edited by MIKE GATLIN on 12-31-2009 at 11:06 AM

alrtgLots of replica's there but still cool anyway.

Thanks for sharing.

Originally posted by alrtg:
Lots of replica's there but still cool anyway.

Yea, I agree, Larry is still pretty cool!

ALLEY CATGatlin,,,,,Box cutter? May a diseased yak drag his granola's through your soup!

Due to the economy, I may have to cut your salary some in 2010. Can Karen get a part-time job to go along with her other job?


On the auction matter:



There may be some good buys there,,,,,but you might also get bit in the butt as well?

ed monahanI thought black was supposed to be slimming? Just an observation. lol
Happy New Year. Nothing changes.

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