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Topic:Is this Prowler as good as it looks?
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
UK ProwlerFanI hope someone can help... I have only posted a couple of times, but that's cos I don't yet have my Prowler. I have just seen one on Ebay at http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Chrysler-Prowler-2002-Chrysler-Prowler-Super-Clean-MINT-CONDITION-WOW_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ15284QQihZ016QQitemZ260170562529QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZW DVW. It is a 2002 yellow with 13k miles, 2 owners and clear Carfax report. Bidding starts at $30k or BuyitNow for $36k.

I have emailed the dealer who has good feedback and can ship to the UK. What I really need is someone to tell me how good the car really is and how good the dealer is.

Is there anybody out there that can give an honest, unbiased opinion for me, please? I know it means that a Prowler will be leaving the US if I buy it, but believe me, it will be going to a good home.

I am even tempted to jump on a plane to view it, but it could be sold while I'm in midair, so that won't work... I hope someone who lives in the area of Palmer Dodge, Roswell, GA can give me some advice? Please help if you can.

UK ProwlerFan

Michael TIf I was buying a Prowler today, I'd be looking at Gene's red 2000 that's currently for sale in the classified section. All done, low miles, & mint. I'm sure he could assist you in finding a shipper to go to UK. Michael T.
Kevin AI spoke to the salesman,

and he made me talk to his manager....

and he said it was a creampuff. I'd buy it.

Seriously, I have seen the ads for Palmer Dodge for a while and I would say they are reputable. I do not know the technical details of an international auto purchase, but my guess is that they have done this many times before.

They are plenty of Prowler owners down South. I hope one can help you out.

Good luck,

DublinOHShould be no issues with Palmer Dodge. If you are ready to make a deal and want someone to take a good look before locking in - let me know. I'm about 10 miles away (you know....3 hours!) Seriously, I'm in town this week, out next.



dbudnerPalmer is a pretty decent place to do business with.
UK ProwlerFanHey, it's great that you guys took the time to get back to me. Love the photos of the dealer!!!

I have spoken to a guy called Jared there and he is sending me a couple of photos of latch damage to the trunk lid, which is supposedly quite common.

Steve - I am REALLY serious about this. My wife has told me to buy it, but I am naturally a bit nervous. If there is any way at all you could make time to look at it soon, I'd be forever in your debt...

Thanks guys. Rock on POA!!


DublinOHI'll head over during my luch break tomorrow and check it out. Not sure that "latch damage" is common though.
BeWareI have never heard of latch damage being common. Steve is closer than me so I am glad he is able to check it out for you. At least they are being honest about the latch.
UK ProwlerFanHi guys

Had a look at Gene's car and it is really nice. I love the grille and chrome front end in particular, but the trouble is that yellow is my second favorite color (like the American spelling?) after Prowler Purple and I simply can't shake that

Steve - I really appreciate you taking the time to step over and look at the car, I really do. Jared has sent me photos of the latch, trunk and nose, so hopefully these will post so you can see what he means. To be honest, if that is all the damage on the car and you give it a clean bill of health, I'll have it... Being really cheeky, ould you also have a quick look at the Carfax report on the Auction listing as I am not familiar with them, but all looks okay to me.

On a final thought, I spoke to a friend in Oregon (bit too far to view the car) and he just mentioned to check it was not a flood damaged one from the hurricanes. Does that ring any bells and would Carfax show that up?

Once again, I'm indebted to all fellow POA members who took the time to answer my post and I look forward to being a fully fledged, driving member soon.


UK ProwlerFanMe again. Ignore the last two photos on my last post. I wondered why it said the names already existed on the POA server and now I know why. My file naming wasn't very original I guess. Have renamed them so the second 2 should now be below.


ALLEY CATKeep in mind,,,if buying from a licensed dealer,,,you will also pay state sales taxes in most states,,,doc fees [rip-off],,,,and anything else they can think of to add to the bottom line...

I'd buy from a private owner, and save some $$$ and know who owned the car, and its previous care. Too much BS slung around at many dealerships..

ed monahanMost states you pay the sales tax when you register it in the state of residence, at least in this part of the country. All that said, I would rather buy from an individual than a dealer.
Steve will steer you in the right direction. Take his advice, whatever it is.
prowlrmanUK Prowler Fan,

Just a thought...there are also many very nice Prowlers for sale right on this website in the classified ad section in the same price range. You may want to also consider some of them, as you can talk directly to the owner. If the deal works out right for transfer of funds, I am sure many people on this site would deal with you. I would have to agree with Alley Cat and Ed that my preference would be to buy from a private owner.

Not saying anything is wrong with the car you are looking at, but dealers are in the market to make a profit, so they must have given the previous owner less money than you will pay. If you look at some of the private owner cars listed on this website you may pay a similar price, but get a car with more neat modifications, and know the exact history of the car. Something for you to think about....

Good luck whatever you decide to do!! You will love owning a Prowler!!!!


In the company I work for we purchase and ship many cars, and although each state has it's own laws and policy on taxes, and fees. Here in Texas when a car is being purchased for EXPORT you can buy it and get a MCO = Manufacture Certificate of Origin some dealers also call it a MSA. Anyhow, it's a piece of paper which states that the car is intended for export thus no title nor registration has to take place in the state.

This does two things. 1) you don't have to pay taxes but it allows you to ship your car faster as you don't have to wait for the state to issue a title and then ship it.

The shipping company will have to have the documents BEFORE they ship. Now, additional fun, if YOU buy the car with a MCO you CAN NOT drive it out of the dealership it has to be delivered to the "transport" company which usually picks it up in a flat bed.

This is good on two levels, you don't have to be there as you can sign an MCO and you don't have to get insurance on the car if you drive it off and someone rear ends you.

Once the car is at the warehouse they will have to inspect it government identity the car can't have any gas in it, can't carry other "packages" inside etc.

We use 20' and 40' containers for our cars and it cost us about 14,000 per 40 container to the port in Africa. I would assume that it would be similar give or take for you.

The fun however does not end there, your car has been at sea for 30 days in a container and then it arrives at port where they have to unload and you pay duties/taxes on it once customs clears it you can finally take it of the property and make sure you go straight to the gas station.

Most dealerships should have one or two individuals that have done it in the past or have worked at an other dealership where they have done it. However, the key here is going to be patience.

I know this was a long response but it's a lot of info if you have any questions let me know.

DublinOHSent you a PM.
UK ProwlerFanMany thanks to Steve who took the time to go and check out the car for me, in person. Although body and interior are apparently excellent, there are other things Steve pointed out that indicate it has not had the love lavished on it that most POA members would show their Prowler. Reading between the lines, it is straight, but not great.

Ed Monahan advised me to listen to Steve's advice and although I respect the fact he did not actually say 'yea or nay', on balance, I think I'd better give it a miss. After all, what is the point of asking an expert and then ignoring his advice!! Thanks Steve, I owe you one...

Back to the POA classifieds. Should have stuck there in the first place I guess.

ed monahansounds like you made a sound decision. Be patient, a yellow one will show up that will fill the bill for you.
scuba steveI think this one my dad's neighbor went to go look at and it had a hole in the top. The sales guy did not really want to fix it or reduce the price because of the hole. My dad's neighbor ended up buying one in New York for cheaper and better. So watch out north florida a Yellow Cat is coming your way.
Originally posted by UK ProwlerFan:
I hope someone can help... I have only posted a couple of times, but that's cos I don't yet have my Prowler. I have just seen one on Ebay at [URL=http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Chrysler-Prowler-2002-Chrysler-Prowler-Super-Clean-MINT-CONDITION-WOW_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ15284QQihZ016QQitemZ260170562529QQrdZ1QQsspagen ameZW]http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Chrysler-Prowler-2002-Chrysler-Prowler-Super-Clean-MINT-CONDITION-WOW_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ15284QQihZ016QQitemZ260170562529QQrdZ1QQsspage nameZW[/URL] DVW. It is a 2002 yellow with 13k miles, 2 owners and clear Carfax report. Bidding starts at $30k or BuyitNow for $36k.

I have emailed the dealer who has good feedback and can ship to the UK. What I really need is someone to tell me how good the car really is and how good the dealer is.

Is there anybody out there that can give an honest, unbiased opinion for me, please? I know it means that a Prowler will be leaving the US if I buy it, but believe me, it will be going to a good home.

I am even tempted to jump on a plane to view it, but it could be sold while I'm in midair, so that won't work... I hope someone who lives in the area of Palmer Dodge, Roswell, GA can give me some advice? Please help if you can.

UK ProwlerFan

We bought last week a mulholland in the USA ( $28000)
A friend has here in Frankfurt a yellow 2000 4sale, low miles, I think he is asking € 37000. The Prowler is taxed and has Europe Registration Papers.
There are many yellows in the US 4sale, it should be no problem to get one for you.
I´m looking a bit for a orange 2001 chrysler prowler, Greetings, Condor

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