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Topic:Just for Gort.
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
ed monahan http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/cars/2013/08/26/vintage-ferrari-london-auction/2703509/

Google Karl Kleve for a lot more info.

Back in the mid 70s the City of Cincinnatti seized a bunch of old cars behind an apt. building he owned. It was for building code violations. There were raccoons living in them. One was an aluminum body, but I don't recall what it was.
As usual Karl sued the city and everyone involved, including me. I was keeping track of what was being taken for the search warrant return.
Karl used to have warrants out for him all the time for building code and zoning code violations and other small offenses. He was hiding out in the General Hospital waiting room and his family would bring him sandwiches, etc.
Now for the rest of the story.
He was a genius and worked on the Manhattan project in Oak Ridge, TN. He always looked like a bum but had some serious money. He was always very respectful and would greet me, saying "good afternoon, officer" or something similar.
He had the body of an airplane on one of his lots for many, many years.
He got a ticket one time for towing a Dumpster up a steep hill with a VW bug. He put a 2 x 4 under the car and tied it to the Dumpster, with no lights, of course. He was a character, to say the least.
The Ferrari story is really involved.

ed monahanA little more info.
GortSounds like an interesting character. During the war there were 90k people in oak ridge working on the bomb. A lot of them that stayed on after the war were retiring about the time I got there.

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