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Forum:Prowler Performance/Appearance Discussion
Topic:LS Technologies Weekender Struts (NEW PIC)
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Eddie PowellWhile at Louisville last Sun. Stephen Fenner from LS Technologies was looking at my weekender and noticed the difficulty we weekender owners have in closing the top. He took some measurments ,called his company and had a shock delivered to Louisville Tues. morning. Now when I unhook the latches the top slowly opens and closes with ease with one finger. WOW what a difference!!! No more "jiggling " the lid to close.See Stephen's ad in the Vendors section on the main page. Thanks Stephen. Eddie

This message has been edited by Eddie Powell on 08-10-2006 at 06:50 AM

MDProwlerThat website have a link for prowlers? I would love to replace the rod on my weekender.

This message has been edited by MDProwler on 07-16-2006 at 08:36 PM

Eddie PowellEmail Stephen at steve@lstechnologies.ca and tell him you need a strut assy . for a weekender.
Does the lid open farther then before? Any Pics of it open?
Eddie PowellIt opens two inches wider. I dont have any pics. Will try and take some tomorrow.
katmatAny idea of the cost for the strut?
thanks, Matt
Mike KrehelSteve is one of the POA's newest vendors. Please click on his banner ad "LS Technologies" on the home page for more info!
Eddie PowellHere is a pic of the prototype. The top of the shock will be moved to the left side of the mounting bracket so the shock will be straight.
For the Weekender:
We now have a Single Black Lift Support and two mounting brackets available as a replacement for the slider. This Lift Support will take the place of the Slider with just removing and replacing the 4 attaching bolts from the slider.
We installed the first one at Louisville on a weekender for Eddie Powell. Do you want to start a Group purchase for this unit at the same price as we sold them to Eddie for?
$50.00 for the kit, plus Shipping is the price.
anyone interested, email Stephen at the above address.
LeoI am interested in buying one. I sent Steve email, but I wanted to the group to know if there was to be a group purchase.


MDProwlerI like that versus the slider but I am wanting something that will open the lid 90 degrees. Is it possible to use a longer strut and have the lower mount near the front of the box?
Neal & Mary Ann BardensA great vendor. It was nice to have him at Louisville. I went over board buying his stuff though.


Stephen FennerDear POA Members,
On returning from the Louisville Event, I was able to develop a Lift Support Kit for the replacement of the slider arm that some of you have mentioned is a pain to open and close. I do have this Lift Support (Gas Spring) kit ready for immediate delivery. It will consist of 2 brackets and the Lift Support for easy install and simple operation to open and close now. I can also make this Lift Support available in a Stainless Steel version if requested.
I look forward to working with you all on this part of your Prowler Classic Automobile.
Stephen. E-mail info@lstechnologies.ca
Once again...it was a pleasure meeting you in Carlisle. Too bad you couldn't stay for the banquet.

Do you remember when you installed one of your gas shocks on Eddie's Weekender...did it raise the top cover up higher than the previously installed prop rod?

I don't mind the prop rod but it doesn't lift the cover high enough for my liking.

Thanks for passing on such a great product!!!


Too bad you couldn't make it
to Woodward. I bet you'd sell a
ton of your products there!

Stephen FennerTooHipCat,
If Louisville turned into Carlisle for you at the banquet, you are so correct, I really did miss a good time indeed. I have almost ruled out Woodward, although I have received a lot of persuasion to go this last week to say the least. It is on next Saturday the 19th Correct?

Originally posted by TooHipCat:
...it was a pleasure meeting you in Carlisle....


and I thought you told me you never did drugs Brian?!?!?!

Did they move Carlisle to Kentucky this year?
Too much time laying on cardboard lately? lol

Originally posted by GenoTex:
and I thought you told me you never did drugs Brian?!?!?!

Did they move Carlisle to Kentucky this year?
Too much time laying on cardboard lately? lol

Give me a break guys.

Working way too many nightshifts!!!


Funny part is...you BOTH
new what I meant.

Originally posted by Stephen Fenner:
I have almost ruled out Woodward, although I have received a lot of persuasion to go this last week to say the least. It is on next Saturday the 19th Correct?

Here's the official Woodward thread!!!

Eddie PowellHere is a new pic showing the corrected bracket for the top of the strut. I think Stephen and I measured it will open Two inches wider.

Originally posted by Eddie Powell:
I think Stephen and I measured it will open Two inches wider.

Thanks Eddie! Only 2" huh.

Stephen FennerTooHipCat,
If you wish to have this Weekender open a little further, please send me the dimensions that you are requesting for your design. We will see what we can come up with for you

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