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T O P I C     R E V I E W
MDProwlerI just received this enlightening PM from a newbie with Whole six posts.

I gather from this comment that he had a problem to my response on noted thread about getting back on track. I'm sure John would be the first to admit that he became a little long winded about another subject on the wrong thread. No major big deal, it happens all the time.

But I doubt someone that has been a member for 4 weeks knows much about me or my intentions.

lawyerkat, feel free to speak your mind, but it will be posted on this thread.

ALLEY CATLawyerKat > I take offense to calling M/Diver's mouth ignorant,,,,,,as I proclaim to have that honor here, and should have a muzzle on mine.

MD and I rarely agree on Off Topic threads,,,,,but I like him, know he is a good person,,, is an asset to the Prowler community, and I will defend his right to say what he truly feels from within, at any time.

Can I get my muzzle at Pet Mart?


Gary, you owe me lunch!

Gary CYep, I also got one a few days ago. Mine wasn't very nice either.

TooHipCat If you get with TUIB...I'm sure he'll let you borrow an old one lying around from the Lucid Eye!

Maybe I need one too.

IMO...Gary's one of the good guys!!!


Northern CatI too, have received PM's from this fellow...if he's a lawyer
not a very good one....Sooo Sad..just looking for Poop points I guess..

Talk is cheap..WHERE'S My TROPHY?


This message has been edited by Northern Cat on 10-14-2007 at 08:10 PM

onecatnodogSorry again for causing more grief... I was lazy and instead of typing my own response I learned how to copy and paste, and did so on Carl and Pam Spike's event post making sure that I didn't make a mistake on the info... Sorry it looked like I rambled as some times I do. Like Now!... onecatnodog
MDProwlerJohn, no problems here buddy.
toysLawyerKat You have no class.
If you have been trying to PM me again I have put you on my IGNORANT!!!! list to block the crap you were sending me.


WildCatWell, I'm not the lone ranger. I got a few from him too.

This guy must be busy, if he is a lawyer must have a booming practice since he has time to send us all PM

Dave MillsGee, I feel slighted....he is ignoring me. I guess I haven't been vocal enough lately!
Originally posted by Dave Mills:
Gee, I feel slighted....he is ignoring me. I guess I haven't been vocal enough lately!

I hear you guys who aren't getting any PM's,,,,I feel the same way. I may have to become a lib so I can get some of them nasty messages, lol.

Who is this dude?

Gary CHopefully a future X-POA member.

Please report any PM's that cross the line. mike@prowleronline.com

Dave MillsOriginally posted by ALLEY CAT:
I hear you guys who aren't getting any PM's,,,,I feel the same way. I may have to become a lib so I can get some of them nasty messages, lol.

Who is this dude?

How do we know it isn't a dudette????

ALLEY CATGood point Dave...

toysyour right it could be a dudette and it's that time of the month, could it be she's just having a PMS hissy fit
KalaLawyerKat- Sounds like an insanely jealous POA member trolling to me

Signed up 4 weeks ago.... Did the PM's start immediately?

Originally posted by ALLEY CAT:
as I proclaim to have that honor here, and should have a muzzle on mine.

Can I get my muzzle at Pet Mart?

That's the funniest thing I've read all week
Thanks for the laugh AC...

Bob MillerLawyers are the only people on earth who write 50 pages of jibberish and call it "A Brief."

So no one here should feel bad about being longwinded!

Originally posted by Bob Miller:
Lawyers are the only people on earth who write 50 pages of jibberish and call it "A Brief."

So no one here should feel bad about being longwinded!

That's pretty good! Never could figure out why Doctor's have a "practice" either - you would think they would want to be known for doing something other than practicing

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