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Forum:Off Topic Discussion
Topic:Major Terrorist attack in Paris
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Zundapp26 dead. Attack took place in at least 3 locations. CNN
TucsonJerI hope I live to see the day when these SOBs are brought to their knees! 😡
ZundappWorkplace violence is everywhere. France says it has closed its borders...wish we could do that,we have thousands of miles of borders that are open.
Zundapp35 dead now. Lets see if Barry says it was Islamic Terrorism.
Zundapp60 dead. Islamic men doing the shooting.
Dave HaggasVery sad situation. Even if they catch the folk that did this, what will happen to them?
It should be an eye for an eye....
Me TimeThey should start deporting them all, good, bad indifferent, send them all back to where they came from. The message will be gotten.
Me Time100 being held hostage.
ZundappFirst nationwide curfew in France since WW2.

Obama said this morning we have ISIL contained but have not cut off its head yet. REALLY? Does this sound like they are contained? ISIS threatened Russia this morning.

This message has been edited by Zundapp on 11-13-2015 at 05:42 PM

Me Time
Originally posted by Zundapp:
First nationwide curfew in France since WW2.

Obama said this morning we have ISIL contained but have not cut off its head yet. REALLY? Does this sound like they are contained? ISIS threatened Russia this morning.

Why do you listen to what he says? He has lied to the AMerican people since before he was elected, do you think he will change?

Originally posted by Me Time:
Why do you listen to what he says? He has lied to the AMerican people since before he was elected, do you think he will change?

No He will never change. He's passed Carter as the worst President in US history.

Me Time
Originally posted by Zundapp:

No He will never change. He's passed Carter as the worst President in US history.

You certainly got that right!

I'm waiting to see if the people of France take to the streets now, or sit by and just let this all happen.

Landscape DoctorThis is a precursor to what is going to happen in the US if our government does not get there chit together.

Close the borders and ship the illegals out ASAP.

FYI, These types of posts belong in the POT down below in the Take it out side section. Thank You. LD

This message has been edited by Landscape Doctor on 11-14-2015 at 04:40 PM

Zundapp150 dead 200 wounded. 7 different attacks by Islam.
georgieboyMaybe France will now send some ground troops to wipe out ISIS instead of the USA doing it.
Me TimeThese ass wipes have been killing each other forever, maybe it's time we get out of the Mid East and leave them alone.
quincyIts a holy war.....the only way to stop this is a Papal Bull and a call for a Crusade.
Me Time
Originally posted by quincy:
Its a holy war.....the only way to stop this is a Papal Bull and a call for a Crusade.

So you want to just kill all of them, wow Hitler had the same idea. That didn't go so well, did it.

Maybe we should leave the land that isn't ours.

robinEasy people this is a hot topic .....I don't want people getting all wound up over a topic that can damage this site.........
We all have our rights and opinions ......but let's put them in the right spot POT section....

Please be kind ......Robin

Michael Pond
Originally posted by Me Time:

Maybe we should leave the land that isn't ours.[/B]

I would agree, if you can guarantee they will stay in their land and not threaten to kill the rest of the people in the world who do not agree with them and their ways.

Me Time
Originally posted by Michael Pond:
I would agree, if you can guarantee they will stay in their land and not threaten to kill the rest of the people in the world who do not agree with them and their ways.

How can you guaruntee that? But what I am willing to do is this: If we got out, completely out other then business alone and they attack innocent people again I would have no problem bombing the hell out of them, innocents and all, sort of like we did in Japan, to send a message.

I pretty much garuntee that will get their attention.

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