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Topic:Malibu 89 Degrees
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
KariedanWhat a beautiful day for cruising the So Cal coast. Top down, sunny and hot. Malibu coast was perfect. There were lots of bikes, vipers, ferriri's, cobra's. Didn't see another prowler. The Mullholland Prowler sure took Malbiu.
mannydthat would make my life complete living where you do. Enjoy it to it's fullest!!
JCProwlerSuper day, 88, warm and sunny. Luv it!
Lone Ranger

It was 65 and sunny today. Went for a drive with the top down. Can't wait for summer.

Tom SantellaIt's been snowing since I woke up this morning, and it is still snowing. Not hard, but enough to keep all the toys off the road. You guys really have it made when it comes to the weather. ENJOY! I'm sure our day will come, won't it? I know there are a lot of reasons that I love Ct. What are they again? It's simple, never lived anywhere else!


KlasKatSuppose to be 72 in Denver tomorrow, yea..............
sexlessapeToday it was high 70s here in SB...

Do you think it's possible to hit up a dealer who wrecked your car for damages due to "perfect prowling weather"? I know being katless definitely caused psychological trauma this morning and is forcasted to do so for the rest of the week


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