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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:More Dirty Tricks Booger Arnaz
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
silverkatRepulsive Ted is up to his old tricks again. CNN reported insiders saying Rubio dropping out of race. Turns out it was Repulsive Ted and his cohorts spreading it like they did to Carson. In Hawaii ads went out in writing saying don't waste your vote Rubio has dropped out. Booger Arnaz Noriega is a skunk. I watch him on TV and he repulses me. I hate that SOB. What a dirty rat. He needs to get smacked upside the head.

This message has been edited by silverkat on 03-08-2016 at 04:25 PM

StingRayEstablishment will regret pushing him toward the nomination ... would expext a HUGE revolt from ALL Trump supporters and Hillary will skate into the White House ...

Cruz is just another dishonest, lying do nothing good for the people politician.

silverkatThey showed the printed flyers from Hawaii from Team Cruz. Boogers denies knowing about it, as usual, but it seems his campaign is always getting caught doing this stuff. Sleezy politics all around. I'm praying for Trump wins tonite to send a message to all the political rats and their friends. Knock em out Donald...
Landscape DoctorI have another crazy spin on this.

Why would Cruz continue to do the same crap and get caught??????

Maybe this is a Rubio dig to get voters to defect to him with sympathy. Do this in HI because this is the least divided deligate distribution tonight,,,19 deligates. Rubio just wants to slug it out at the convention,,, his only chance to win the nomination.

Might not be as far fetched as you would think. Remember these are lying slimeball politicians.

mslc10Looks like the common denominator is cnn........

Pansie asses! Ceast to exist order , (cease and desist )was sent out to the volunteer in Hawaii that REPEATED what cnn was reporting.

This message has been edited by mslc10 on 03-08-2016 at 07:45 PM

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