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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Since I heard I was not doing a good job I hired a map expert to design a map for us I hope it helps.I diden't mean to out do ya Meangene but that is the way it is. the next time you need a map let me know and i will help ya.




This message has been edited by fixumm on 05-16-2002 at 06:01 AM

Gary ArcherFixumm....

You have been in the paint booth again, haven't you.

Gary Archer
02 Gold

ALLEY CATThat looks like the exact map that Jack the Wonder Dog has planned for the cruise to Estes Park, Colorado. Fix,,,,Jack and you been talking? Jack's map is for real, thousands of switch backs to navigate while climbing up into the beautiful Colorado Rocky Mountains!!!


Call 911 - there is a Prowler in my garage....

You have been in the paint booth again, haven't you.

That's not possible........he's spends all his time on this board now.


I tried to help you out of the "other" thread, but now you gone and done it!

Let's recap - Fixumm - she (CJ) knows :

1. where you are staying in KY - and YOU will have to sleep sometime. Scary thought - isn't!
2. things about your car's and YOUR ability to function. )
3. you're a man (well.... maybe!)
4. your ENTIRE route - she's got you coming and going
5. a least 40+ other owners at KY, who might help!
6. GOD personally - (see CJ's other threads about GOD being a woman), can you say "God will smite the wicked!"
7. you are bringing your wife, they will plot your demise when they go to the restroom. Your wife gets the insurance money and the CAR, CJ gets your a**. Pucker-up sweetie!

Personally, I'm neutral about this whole turn of events for you. It was nice knowing you.

p.(MeanGene) s. Can I have your map as a memento!


fixummMEANGENE I have one good thing going for me that is the RAIN as we all know that witches melt in the rain so as long as i stand in it i will be safe. ( im sorry but i had to go their)



MeanGeneThank goodness - of all the times to spell something correct, you know - the witch word!


This message has been edited by MeanGene on 05-16-2002 at 10:11 AM

fixummi think the ice is getting thinner



Marty Usherfixumm - I thought I would do a print out of your posts so your wife can read them. We wouldn't want her to feel lost and not know what's going on, would we? What do you think?

It could truly be a birthday you never forget!!

2000 Black with hand painted blue faded to purple flames

Driving my Dream

CJWhat ice?

I'd watch my email if I were you.......


fixummMarty it seams you are a busy guy i would not want to bother u as we are so close to this event,but thanks for askingif my wife knew what was going on she would kill me



Originally posted by CJ:
What ice?

I'd watch my email if I were you.......


OH now i feel a lot better thanks CJ now do i need to stay home and lock my doors.



Dave MillsWrong thing to say around this group fixuum......wives find out from these nice people!


Mopar(Plymouth Forever)Dave
1928 Plymouth Q
1951 Plymouth P-23 Club Coupe
1966 Plymouth Sport Fury Convertible
1975 Plymouth Duster
1999 Prowler


Did you ever see "DeadMan Walking"? Great movie - bad ending though!


fixummI really do not see much help from any of ya all of you are making me out to be a bad guy what gives, i though we were the type that would stick up for each other. this is kind of like when i went to the cracker barrel last week and no one was there yet.



MeanGeneSsssshhhh! I see dead people....


fixummwho was the priest again i am going to need HELP




Be careful...real careful...when vertically challenged people come up and say...."Follow the yellow brick road...".


fixummsee all of ya tomorrow, loaded and ready for what ever comes my way



ed monahanfixxum, your map sucks. Where is the Cracker Barrel?


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