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Forum:Prowler Collectibles Merchandise and Apparel
Topic:New Prowler Collectible
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
CJI hadn't seen this before......maybe I missed it. Found 2 at Meijer's and 1 at Target.

TLRandallCJ, when I spoke to Mattel about the Prowler late last year, they assured me that it would be somewhere for us in the 2008 lineup, but they could not say if it would be in the regular numbered cards. I was a little worried that it did not show up in the 1-100 singles, but glad that they put it on top of one of the multipacks!

They produced our Dodge Magnum Sheriff's Wagon in the numbered cards (#71), and we just signed the artwork approval for the second of our Sheriff's vehicles to be produced this year, the Dodge Charger, which will be part of a Police 5 Pack later in October.

Mattel was great to work with, but when we started working numbers for them to pick up where Maisto was failing us, the timing was bad, with all the China production problems, and the price went way too high. Most of their production had shifted to Thailand.

Kat DaddyThey are also available at Wal-Mart.
nitrosteveI bought 2 of the loose Prowlers off e-bay the other day for $2.00 each plus shipping.
Originally posted by Kat Daddy:
They are also available at Wal-Mart.

Yeah, they are located in the Lead Dept.

nitrosteveMy two are out of the package, so I guess I got the lead out. LOL. I also have a set in the package Wal Mart has them.
JUSTAKIDCJ ,I found mine at Walmart

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