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Topic:Oahu Prowler Cruise
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jennmelvinAloha everyone!

I've had my "babygirl" a couple of weeks now and am thinking of how awesome it would be to get all the Prowler owners on Oahu together for a cruise. My boyfriend has a '01 Mulholland Blue and I am now the proud owner of a '00 Silver (that's right his and hers!!). So, if interested just follow-up with a reply or shoot me an email. By the way you guys rock, I love the site...I'm addicted to it

pumpkinWelcome, hope everything went well after the earthquake you guys had.


More 'Pumpkin' photos and Mod Stuff . . . . . . . Our other cars and stuff

"I may have to grow older, but I do not have to grow up!"

"The Prowler is not a car to go from Point A to Point B. The Prowler is the Point!"

meancatJenn, Would love to come to your Island for a cruise,Is there a ferry? NO,NO,NO I don't mean like Alley the cat.I mean a car ferry.It would be great to go to another country and meet other owners. Hope thing's are ok after the last shake up over there.And welcome abroad.


ThunderThat would be an amazing cruise.
Love Hawaii...


Originally posted by meancat:

Jenn, It would be great to go to another country and meet other owners. Hope thing's are ok after the last shake up over there.And welcome abroad.

Mayor Jerry - I know you graduated from Moddersville Junior High School,,,,,,,didn't you learn that Hawaii isn't a stand alone country? It's a STATE,,part of the U S A! Admitted to the Union as our 50th state in August of 1959. You must have not paid too much attention in history or geography classes,,,,,,but brought your grade point average up by taking Home Ec 101 three times.

pay back,,,

jennmelvinThanks for the replies! Yep, things are "back to normal" here on Oahu. We lost power for about a day and I was upset b/c I didn't get to watch the Lions play and actually win!!! But, we are thankful to be okay. It was a very interesting story, being the East Coast girl that I am Chris and I had gotten up and gone to "the shack" for our usual 7am (yep, that's what time they start over here) football game. I was sitting there and I heard a rumble. It took everyone a bit to realize but when I looked down and my coffee was spilling all over the table/floor I knew what was going on. Someone yelled "earthquake...get out!!" so we all ran outside. The cars were rocking in the parking lot for quite a while in the aftershocks.

Meancat, we'd love to have you over here!! We are still in the US though I washed and waxed babygirl the other day and took her over to the beach/lighthouse at Kaneohe MCAS. The pictures turned out excellent, so look for them to be posted soon Mahalo (thank you) to everyone for keepin us in your prayers!

Aloha everyone!!

meancatJann,It's good to know someone that own's there own country.I own my own town but not my own country.Maybe one day we will get there,Never know.But when we do come we come with a bunch of people so we will inundate your small island and probably try to take it over.(it's the nature of the beast)So look to the East as we will be seeking up on you when we come.


jennmelvinI wouldn't try it if I were you!! There's more troops on this island (myself included) than almost any other island in the world. Heck, I'm wide awake at 0220 and watching the satellite. It's what I do! We will stand our ground and won't back down, but if you're looking for a challenge, bring it on!! lol...

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